首页 - The authors say that's because long-distance running could have helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors find more food-thus increasing their reproductive
The authors say that's because long-distance running could have helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors find more food-thus increasing their reproductive success.
The authors say that's because long-distance running could have helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors find more food-thus increasing their reproductive success.
语音现象 涉及的句中单词 音标的对应关系
叠合 authors + say s + s
击穿 could + have d + h
连读 helped + our d + au
爆破 find + more d + m



连读 He was hopping around so much I don't know how he actually saw most of the demo, but he di...
连读 He was the exclamation point for every step I showed.
连读 You're sitting on a gold mine, he shouted. "I can't believe Xerox is not taking advantage ...
连读 It was like a veil being lifted from my eyes, Jobs recalled. "I could see what the future ...
连读 This is it! he shouted, emphasizing each word. "We've got to do it!"
爆破 But is that right, this refusal to make qualitative distinctions?
爆破 It was the breakthrough he had been looking for: bringing computers to the people, with th...
爆破 It was a wildly optimistic assessment, but also a motivating one.
爆破 As he once said, "Picasso had a saying good artists copy, great artists steal and we have ...
爆破 They were copier-heads who had no clue about what a computer could do, he said of Xerox's ...
击穿 Both assessments contain a lot of truth, but there is more to it than that.
击穿 Kottke decided to press his case with Jobs by hovering outside his office and catching him...
击穿 One thing that troubled people about that practice is that it seemed to violate the rights...
击穿 He was not particularly philanthropic. He briefly set up a foundation, but he discovered t...
击穿 It was the first time in their lives they didn't have a mortgage, Jobs recalled. "They had...
叠合 Can we altogether dispense with the idea that certain things we take pleasure in are bette...
叠合 When Steve Jobs speaks, it is with the gee-whiz enthusiasm of someone who sees the future ...
叠合 He makes it clear that utility is the only standard of morality, in his view, so he's not ...
叠合 Instead he spoke of his passion for future products, such as someday making a computer as ...
叠合 We also notice something about the substance of the arguments that emerged from the discus...
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