首页 - Studies have shown that some mammals seek out food and drink that naturally contain alcohol. And according to new research, fruit flies will purposely
Studies have shown that some mammals seek out food and drink that naturally contain alcohol. And according to new research, fruit flies will purposely hit the bottle: to self-medicate.
Studies have shown that some mammals seek out food and drink that naturally contain alcohol. And according to new research, fruit flies will purposely hit the bottle: to self-medicate.
语音现象 涉及的句中单词 音标的对应关系
击穿 Studies + have z + h
爆破 that + some t + s
叠合 mammals + seek s + s
连读 seek + out k + au
爆破 out + food t + f
爆破 and + drink d + dr
爆破 that + naturally t + n
爆破 hit + the t + ð



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爆破 Your natural defenses that might provide some kind of a buffer between a commercial messag...
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击穿 Tony Blair, in 2006, was addressing the issue of diet and obesity, and here's some of the ...
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叠合 In an accompanying commentary in the journal, scientists say that understanding the struct...
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