首页 - User ratings on the DarwinTunes site provided the evolutionary selection, with only the most appealing tunes allowed to create progeny.
User ratings on the DarwinTunes site provided the evolutionary selection, with only the most appealing tunes allowed to create progeny.
User ratings on the DarwinTunes site provided the evolutionary selection, with only the most appealing tunes allowed to create progeny.
语音现象 涉及的句中单词 音标的对应关系
连读 ratings + on s + ɔ
叠合 DarwinTunes + site s + s
爆破 site + provided t + p
爆破 allowed + to d + t
爆破 create + progeny t + p



连读 I wish it wouldn't. Not under these dreadful circumstances.
连读 Speak the way you eat, or, in my personal translation: "Say it like you eat it." It's a re...
连读 I take a deep breath and offer a heavily abridged (yet somehow totally complete) Italian-l...
连读 The whole time she was in Rome, she was training for a marathon, which means she would wak...
连读 She was mighty and domineering, the commander of my whole life. I lived in awe and fear of...
爆破 Is it possible to aggregate all values to translate them into dollar terms?
爆破 We were not always friends. She was annoyed by me, and I was scared of her, I believe, unt...
爆破 The world had always been a more comfortable and welcoming place for me than it was for my...
爆破 It would have been so easy for Catherine to have responded to my divorce and depression wi...
爆破 She answered the phone in the middle of the night whenever I was in distress and made comf...
叠合 So my sister comes to visit me in Rome--in my new city--and then shows it to me. This is R...
叠合 How many people have I heard claim their children as the greatest accomplishment and comfo...
叠合 Any want or a satisfaction which exists ... exists in some amount and it's therefore measu...
叠合 For one long ride, I share a train compartment with a good-looking young Italian guy who s...
叠合 She wanted to come see me in Italy, so I invited her along on this leg of my trip because ...
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