首页 - TPO 25 听力Lecture第4篇 第2题
One of the students brings up the example of play fighting among wolf pups. What does this example lead him to believe?
That wolves are especially violent animals.
That the play-as-preparation hypothesis is probably correct.
That wolves seldom engage in self-handicapping.
That the results of a recent study are probably not reliable.
Professor: Let's start with the play-as-preparation hypothesis. Jerry, can you explain it? Jerry: Yeah, Play-as-preparation…That hypothesis makes a lot of sense, like, maybe the most sense of all the theories we read about. Professor: And what leads you to that conclusion? Jerry: Well, like wolves, the young pups, ….教授让 Jerry 解释 play-as-preparation 假说,Jerry认为这个假说是他所读的理论中最有意义的一个。也就是说 Jerry 认为这个理论是正确。接着教授问其是如何得到这个结论的,Jerry举了狼崽的例子。所以 B 选项正确:狼崽的例子让 Jerry 相信 play-as-preparation 假说是正确的。

答案: B
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