首页 - TPO 25 听力Lecture第3篇 第3题
Why was ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing difficult for scholars to interpret?
The language that it was based on was no longer used.
The same words were often represented by several different symbols.
It consisted of a mixture of three different languages.
Only fragments of it were found.
Professor: And two of the three alphabets are ancient Egyptian scripts that stop being used: the hieroglyphic and the demotic…But eventually, the Arabic language replaced Coptic and this cut off the linguistic link between ancient and modern Egypt. 罗塞塔石碑上的三种语言中,象形文字和世俗体已经不再使用,它们最终被阿拉伯语取代,这就切断了古埃及和现代埃及语言上的联系。因为古埃及的象形文字不再使用了,所以破译起来比较难, A 选项正确。

答案: A
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