Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
Which sentence best expresses what the librarian means when she says this?
I wish this were true
That is not a very good idea
Thanks for your suggestion
That is what we intended
重听内容为工作人员所说:Yeah, that’s the idea. 句中 the idea 对应前文学生所说 Nice, so I can do all the research I need to do right here in the library. I’ll have all the resources, all the books and information I need right here in one place. 据此可知,工作人员对学生提到的图书馆便捷服务表示赞同,并指出这是他们的理念,所以选项 D “这是我们的初衷”说法正确,为本题答案。
答案: D