首页 - TPO 8 听力Lecture第2篇 第6题
Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
What does the professor mean when he says this?
Paris was a popular place to visit, but not the best place to study art.
Paris was the most important place for an artist to study and work.
Living in Paris was difficult for women artists from other countries.
Studying in Paris was beneficial for some artists, but not for others.
重听内容: Stu: It had a lot of art schools and artists who taught painting. There were, our book mentions classes for women artists. And it was a good place to go to study art. Prof: If you wanted to become an artist, Paris was not a good place to go; Paris was the place to go. 教授说 “If you wanted to become an artist, Paris was not a good place to go; Paris was the place to go.” 表示“如果你想成为艺术家,巴黎不是一个好去处,而是唯一之处。“ 教授特别用定冠词 the 来强调巴黎的独一无二,说明对以艺术家来说,巴黎是最重要的地方,适合学习和工作。选项 B 正确。

答案: B
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