首页 - TPO 8 听力Conversation第2篇 第5题
Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.
Why does the student say this?
To introduce a personal story about exercising.
To point out a flaw in the health-club model.
To give an example that supports the Professor’s point.
To explain why he disagrees with the Professor.
重听内容: Pro: I mean with a health club you might think they would have trouble attracting customers, right? Stu: Well, I know when I pass by a healthy club and I see all those people working out, they’re exercising, I just as soon walk on by. 教授讲战略营销时,举出健身房的例子,说健身房比较难吸引顾客。学生说是的,至少他每次经过健身房是直接走过,不会驻足。所以学生说的这句话是为了支持教授的观点,即健身房确实很难吸引顾客。所以选项 C 正确。

答案: C
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