首页 - TPO 8 听力Lecture第4篇 第5题
What does the professor believe about the claim that Ida Tacke’s team made about element 43?
Scientists should have accepted the claim when it was first published.
There is not enough evidence to know if the team actually discovered element 43.
The team’s unusual scientific methods were unreliable.
If the team’s ore sample had contained element 43, the team would have been able to isolate a weighable amount
根据教授所说内容 “Maybe, but you know it’s hard to tell for sure after all this time, if Ida Tacke’s group did discover element 43. They didn’t, um, publish enough detail on their methods or instruments for us to know for sure.” 可知,由于已经过去了很久,所以很难确定 Ida Tack 的团队是否发现了 43 号元素。他们没有发布具体的操作方法和信息让人们确认。所以教授认为证据不足,不足以支撑是 Ida Tack 的团队发现了 43 号元素。选项 B 正确。

答案: B
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