首页 - TPO 9 听力Lecture第1篇 第4题
What is the professor’s opinion about the relationship between English landscape painters and Loutherbourg?
He thinks English landscape painters were unfair in their criticism of Loutherbourg’s work.
He thinks Loutherbourg’s relationship with English landscape painters was less important than most experts think.
He thinks Loutherbourg and the English landscape painters probably influenced each other.
He thinks English landscape painters helped Loutherbourg’s work gain in popularity.
题目对应教授所说:You know, the popular thinking is that Loutherbourg was influenced by landscape painting. But why can't we say that the "Eidophusikon" actually influenced the painters? 由此可知,教授不认同 Loutherbourg 受到风景画家影响这一流行说法,他认为也有可能是画家受到 Loutherbourg 的影响,选项 C 两者相互影响说法与原文相近,为本题答案。

答案: C
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