TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:魏中夏
What change would make your hometown more appealing to people your age? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你同龄人阶层普遍的喜好是什么?
回答: 在中国,我同龄的人非常喜欢各种各样的聚会,尤其是喜欢一群朋友聚在一起吃东西。并且我们还喜欢一起做一些运动,比如打篮球类似的多人参与的活动。并且对于我这个年龄的人来说,即将面临大学毕业,所以我们很关注就业和物价水平。并且我们这个年龄的人更加注重生活的环境和质量。
2. 你家乡有什么特点?符合你同龄人的口味吗?
回答: 我的家乡在内蒙古,我们家乡的的空气特别好,并且我们家乡气候非常舒适,并且有很多美丽的风景和独特的文化,众所周知,我的家乡呼和浩特坐落在中国地北方,而中国北方自古以好客,热情,包容而闻名。我的家乡的道路交通比较好,这很方便朋友们出来聚会。娱乐场所虽然不是很多,但是可以满足年轻人基本的娱乐需求,相比于大型城市,我们家乡的房价物价也相对较低,很适合年轻人立足。
3. 你对家乡的建设有什么建议?
回答: 我认为要吸引更多地年轻人,首先要有很好的大学教育,因为只有先把年轻人吸引过来,他们才能知道这里好。并且应该加快服务业发展,式娱乐生活变得更加多元化,并且要保证食品的安全。而且要多修建一些公园和操场,让和我同龄的人可以随时有场地活动
    My home town is a place where has beautiful sighting and comfortable climate. Apparently my hometown is a good choice for young people to visit or settle. Of course, there are lots of things need to be change to make the city even more attractive to people of my age. So comes the questions what do young people need.    First of all, people of my age have to develop ourselves because we need to face the life without parents' care. So education is a big consideration. As college is a gate to adult world, it is also a door to different place . It is because in most situations, we need to go to a college far from home. As I concerned, universities are doors and windows to my hometown, if a house which is good inside with broken windows and doors ,few would like to come in. So nothing is more important than developing education. For instance, California appeal thousands of young people from the whole world by its well-developed education. As a result the culture there is diversified what make it even more attractive to young people who want to communicate with friends from different cultures.    Secondly young people need good environment to live, to work and to have fun. So the low price of commodities, good opportunities for work and different infrastructure is needed. That is why I think my hometown need to built more playground and make some policy that ensure young people could find the right work to afford their life.    Though my hometown already had some inner qualities like tasty food,friendly local people and mystery culture that attract young people, there are things can be down to make my hometown even better.    
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