GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Jasper_Lee
The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE228"The best way to teach -- whether as an educator, employer, or parent -- is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones"。题目讨论教育方式的问题,认为最好的教育方式是对正面行为的表扬和对负面行为的忽略。本题可以从表扬和忽略两种做法的利弊对比出发,结合教育的需求和目的进行展开。需要注意题目讨论的是“最好的”教育方式,所以在论述表扬和忽视各自利弊的同时,还需要把这个论述目标把握好,同时对于表扬和忽视的对象不要混淆。
1. 请结合具体情况阐述:对学生、孩子以及职员教育的目的分别是什么。
回答: 学生: 中学教育:了解世界上的事物,学习知识和学习的方法,培养各方面兴趣,基本的逻辑素养。 高等教育:培养强大的自学能力,对学习专业的兴趣和相关的能力。 社会交往的能力,独立思考,批判思考的能力。 职员:适应公司的运作和管理,积极地为企业利益做出贡献。培养员工的创新能力,交际能力等。 孩子:基本的道德观念,礼貌待人等
2. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是正面的?对这些行为给予表扬会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 学生:学习积极,对问题的批判思考,敢于质疑。 孩子:懂礼貌,分辨是非 职员:努力工作,积极创新等 表扬:使他们的行为得到认可,使他们有更大的动力去保持被认为是好的行为,对孩子而言逐渐塑造良好的道德观念和礼貌礼节,对学生而言,激发他们继续学习的兴趣和信心,对职员而言,使他们对这个职业产生认同感,对自己的事业产生兴趣,为更美好的未来努力工作 但也可能使他们觉得自己的学习或工作已经完满,自己无需付出更多的努力,产生惰性心理
3. 学生、孩子以及职员的哪些行为是负面负?对这些行为的忽略会给他们哪些影响?请描述各种可能的后果。
回答: 学生:无心向学,参与活动不积极,甚少与同伴或长辈交流。忽略只能使他们一直保持这种状态,甚至往更糟糕的情况发展。 孩子:任性妄为,表现得没有礼貌。他们这样做有时是为了吸引大人的注意,希望得到关注,如果家长选择忽略,并之后也表现得漠不关心的话,只会越严重。如果是熊孩子,他们会觉得父母默许这种行为,以后更肆无忌惮。 职员:工作懒散,不服从管理,与同事相处不和睦。忽略就是纵容,有碍企业的良性发展。
4. 持续的只对正面行为进行表扬并忽略所有负面行为会有哪些潜在危险?请举例并简述。
回答: 受这样的环境影响,个人会对自己的认识产生欠缺,高估自己好的一面,而忽略或纵容自己的缺点,对个人的发展会失衡,对外部环境也会造成损害。
5. 如果想要达到最好的学习效率和效果,应当如何搭配对正、负面行为的鼓励和忽视?
回答: 对于能明显造成良好影响或反馈的正行为,可减少鼓励,对不起眼的正行为,给予适当鼓励使他坚持。对造成严重后果的负行为,可以适当忽略,应为当事人肯定会深刻反省,对小错小失误,不能忽略,应给予提醒,使他记住不要再犯。
6. 与鼓励和忽视相比,还有哪些其他教育手段?这些手段在教育中的应用,相对于鼓励与忽视,会有哪些不同效果?
回答: 批评:犯错后的批评更使人更客观认识自己的错误 提醒:正行为后的提醒有助于使人意识到自己存在的不足,促使他更加完善自己的行为。
Today, one of the most challenging problems for mankind is how to turn the huge population into a valuable, useful human resource, which is exactly the purpose of education. One who receives education not only gets knowledge and skills from their teacher, but is also guided by the teacher to discriminate right from wrong. Some people claim that the best method to teach is to praise whatever is done right and ignore whatever goes wrong. Although the saying have some points, it is still rife with holes and is not logisticall concluded.

From my perspective, I consider encouragement and ignorance not to be the only choice to lead a person to be a better man. More practically speaking, we should evaluate a people's behavior by judging the effect of his or her: how much benefit has an employee brought to the company or how bad does he or she do to diminish the profits? Under different circumstances, we might place different evaluation on him or her.

The foremost question is that how we judge a behavior to be good or bad? For kids, parents concern with their behaviors in front of others. If the children appear to be polite and friendly towards others, their parents must be happier than they are crying or yelling whenever they want to. As for students, they are supposed to be praised if they get good grades at school or participate in activities positively. And for employees in a company, the boss will not be more agreeable than to see them working hard and proposing ideas to help the company to make a profit. In general, favorable acts must serve to bring benefits to others because human beings are social creatures, they appraise each other mainly by how well they do to make a better place. On the contrary, wrongdoers always do things that harm others. Like a lazy employee not focused on his or her own work, he or she chats with friends or surfs the facebook during work.

Once we defined the behaviors, we start to come up with judments. When a student earns a good grade, it is certain that he would get praised not only by teachers and parents, but also by his companions. Indeed, encouragement may confirm one's good behaviors and probably help him continue to do well or even better. However, excessive compliment may result in arrogance and idolence that perplex oneself. He or she might consider himself or herself to be good enough to take a rest. On the other hand, while it is true that everyone needs to be forgiven from their wrong doings, it may, instead, make one feel like being estranged and ingored. In worse case, one might think he is connived and permitted to continue his behaviors. That is why it is not reasonable to just praise the good deeds and ignore the wrong ones.

Additionally, encouragement and ignorance are not the only choices adopted in the given circumstances. One better way is to evaluate a people not only by whether what he or she does are good or bad, but also how good or bad the result of his or her acts are. For example, a students did really bad in his exam, and his teacher, rather than ignores him, encourages him to do better next time. It may be true that if he is left alone, he may feel better for the while, but he may also lose confidence the next time he takes an exam. Because we are frail creatures, we need confirmation and encouragement from others. Contrarily, if an employee succeeded in helping the company to make a conceivable profit, he deserves flowers and critics at the same time. There must be something imperfect that he himself does not know. He needs to be warned by his boss or someone else that this tiny flaw may be fatal next time.

When taken a first look, the argument given by the author makes some sense. Nonetheless, further analysis reveals that such claim which polarize the way the way to teach peopel is groundless. Everyone has the right to make mistakes but he does not deserve to be ignored after making one. We should properly evaluate one's behaviors so that we could help each other to make a better self and a better society.
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