GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:cuiyoutian
The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youth. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
1. 描述一个你在日常生活中所接触得到的年轻人的潮流,比如Apple的产品、回力鞋等,并解释这些潮流体现了什么文化特征?
回答: 社交网络的流行.
2. 利用网络和各种资料,对“当代文化”给出定义。并解释文化包含了哪些方面,这些方面中哪些和年轻人的潮流是可以有关系的?
回答: 当代文化: meterial culutre, nonmaterial culture. nonmaterial culture. language, ritual, behavior pattern..在民间长期口耳相传的诗歌、神话、史诗、故事、传说、谣谚;传统的音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、曲艺、杂技、木偶、皮影等民间表演艺术;广大民众世代传承的人生礼仪、岁时活动、节日庆典、民间体育和竞技,以及有关生产、生活的其他习俗;有关自然界和宇宙的民间传统知识和实践;传统的手工艺技能;与上述文化表现形式相关的文化场所等 material culture. food, apparel,质文化,是指为了满足人类生存和发展需要所创造的物质产品及其所表现的文化,包括饮食、服饰、建筑、交通、生产工具以及乡村、城市等,是文化要素或者文化景观的物质表现方面。
3. 除了分析年轻人的潮流以外,了解当代文化的途径还有哪些?请举例说明。这些途径和分析文化潮流相比,哪个更有效?
4. 通过分析年轻人的潮流来了解文化可能会遇到什么困难?请举例说明。
5. 年轻人的潮流是否会影响一个社会的文化发展?如果可以,请举例说明。
The most effective way to understand contemporary culture is to analyze the trends of its youthTo choose an effective way to understand contemporary culture is so important because Contemporary culture is involving and influencing our daily lives. Some one claim that such effective way is to analyze the trends of the youth. I disagree with the claim because of the commplex and bro ith of While such claim validates in some certain fields or aspects in contemporary culture, such as language and material culture, however, it appears ineffecitive tackling some other specific areas, such as some sorts of arts.
When it comes to the language, an aspect of nonmaterial arts, it is effective to follow the trends of the youth to analyze contemporary culture. There is a hotly debate on how to define the culture; despite this, we still can classify the culture into two pats, the material culture and nonmaterial culture. The material culture refers the special patterns of what constitutes our lives and meets the basic requirments of our lives, such as apparal and food, while the nonmaterial culture means the to fulfill our spritual requirments, involving language, art and so on. To understand contemporary language culture, the way to analyze the trends of youth is to some extend sound. The concrete example to illustrate this point is the contemporary language culture in China. Through the internet, the yough lead the trends of importing exotic language and fusing them to Chinese. For example, once understanding the neologism, such as "galibility" which means the excellence and premience, we would know the  contemporary Chinese language culture. In short, the approach of tracking the trend of youth to can be adopted effectively on studying contemporary language culture.
Meanwhile, in order to comprehend the apprals and food, the method of analyzing the trends of the young people makes sense. The apprals and food are the two aspects of material culture and they are the most active fields where the young are the dominet.It can be seen that increasing number of cooporations that involve in these two fields view the young as the target consummer and make effort to cater the tastes and likeness of the young. Consider the fact that KFC is growing to be the most profitable company in Chinese food industry, to analyze the trend of youth tells the contemporary food culture in China is the fast food shocking the traditional food. Similarly, the diverse and caparious fashion of apprals alter what the young are dressing and it also exert a profound impact on clothing culture. Totally speaking, the trends of youth in food and apprals is also a better indictor of contemporary culture.
Notwithstanding the applicabliity in researching some certain culture, it is ineffective to understand the relative professional contemporary culture.
To sum up, due to the complex and universialness of culture, in order to , it is insufficient and ineffective to understand contemporary culture in terms of only following the trends of youths. Addimitedly, such way suits some certain contemporary culture, such as language and a part of material culture. However, when adopting it to analyze other aspects of culture, it turns out to be ungrounded. 
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