GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蓦茉
Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development
1. 从政府角度,如何判断某件事的是有利还是有害的?哪些事情是政府关注的?
回答: 我认为一般来说政府会首先权衡某件事情是否对当前的社会稳定构成威胁,是够会对其统治构成威胁
2. 从科学研究的角度,其结果会对被政府关注的事物产生什么样的影响?(可以从医学、物理、化学、生物、天文、地理、人文等方面思考)
回答: 物理上核武器的发明可以帮助政府提供全面的国防力量 生物医学上的克隆一方面解决了某些器官移植方面疾病的治疗,但是随着克隆人的可能,会为整个社会带来一些道德上的问题,而政府需要去解决这些问题
3. 如果政府对科学研究完全放开不管,给予最大支持,有求必应,会有什么结果?
回答: 科学狂人可能不顾后果的研究克隆人这种仍然存在争议的课题,社会会陷入混乱
4. 如果政府对科学研究进行严格限制,谨小慎微,又会有什么后果?
回答: 首先科学的发展速度会受到限制,因为科学研究相对需要比较宽松的环境 可能会造成各学科发展的不平衡,比如政府需要提高军事力量就支持核物理学家进行研究
5. 科学研究和发展需要一种怎样的平衡才能算做最健康的发展环境?
回答: 首先要有一个相对宽松的环境让学者根据自己的兴趣进行研究 必须制定相应的法律对一些存在争议或者可能为社会发展造成影响的研究进行限制
2010-3-7 10:36--11:23The scientific research and development will be well developed in a relatively free environment; therefore the government should make restrictions on it as little as possible and try every effort to support it. However, given absolute freedom to scientific researchers is also not a wise choice.   Free research can increase invention and progress easily, thus too many restrictions might encumber the balance development of science. During the Cold War, Soviet Union tried its best to enhance its military force. In order to achieve its goal, the government encouraged the development of heavy industry and funded so much money on it. Ignorance of research in other fields lead to no significant discoveries and invention occurred during that period. Without new innovations applied into the development of light industry, the welfare of the whole society reduced dramatically. Science development should have been used to improve the live quality of all the people. However, Soviet Union government's control was the paramount factor which broke the balance of scientific research and development, thus reversed science research’s original purpose. For this instance, little manipulation should the government implement to scientific field in order to encourage it develops healthily and serves for human's welfare improvement.   Government may not be quiet clear about a specific piece of research that is currently undergoing. Accordingly, government can give little meaningful instructions to scientific research and development. The restrictions usually prevent the development from freely and efficiently. In China, although government pays attention to encourage the scientific innovation, some regulations, in fact, impede the development of science. For instance, the use of research fund is detailed regulated so that some researchers cannot buy the most suitable equipments in order to follow the regulation. What' more, the wage of researchers is highly related to their achievements, which generally be measured by their papers' quality and quantity during a year. Then some researchers focus on papers publishing and ignore the basic research. If the government eliminate the trivial regulations on research fund and implement a more scientific evaluation standard, the research environment will become freer. In such a circumstance, researchers can devote themselves fully to their studies.   However, providing absolute freedom might cause other problems of equal graveness. Scientific development is a double edged-sword which can be good or evil. The application of nuclear makes people realized a promising new energy, but at the same time, it brings the threat comes from nuclear weapons. The technique of clone helps people find a new way to do the organ transplant; on the other hand, it can bring severe moral problems if scientists really clone human beings. If not properly controlled, some scientific innovation will bring disaster to us. In this aspect; it is government’s responsibility to guide the development of science.   Although absolute freedom to scientific research and development is not proper, government should never restrict too much on it, because only under a relatively free environment can scientific researchers be passionate with their work.
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