GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蓦茉
There are two types of laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjust laws.
1. 什么是法律?法律对于社会和人会起到什么作用?请举例说明。
回答: 没有客观标准
2. 正义的法律能对社会和人类做出什么贡献?请举例说明。
3. 什么是非正义的法律?它们给社会和人类带来了什么问题?请举例说明。
4. 非正义的法律是否一无是处?如果不是,那么它的存在对于社会和人类有什么好处?请举例说明。
5. 人们是否有抵制非正义法律的经历?如果有,请举例说明,并分析在抵制过程中人们付出了什么代价,得到了什么好处。

The existence of
laws helps to guard people’s rights and stablizes the society. And everybody in
the society has the responsibility to obey the just laws. Although people have
the rights to fight against injustice, however, it is not advocate to resist
unjust laws before there is a standard to judge the justness of laws.

Laws regulate
people's life in every aspect; most of them are just and serves to help stabilize
the society. Criminal Laws is used to punish people who steal, robber, murder
or do some other evil things; Education Laws protect people's right to be
educated; Economic Laws helps to regulate the behavior in the market and Environment
Laws forbid people to contaminate the environment. Most of the laws are
detailed and just. It protects most people's right while punishing people who
break them. It is every citizen's obligation to obey items in laws. Only under
the comprehensive system of law, should the society be stable. 

It cannot be
denied that there are unjust laws, which obviously detriment most people's
rights. Under this circumstance, people should disobey them.  For
instance, Hitler made a series of laws which could be treated as unjust laws.
Under the control of Hitler and his laws, mass of the Jews were killed
optionally as he liked, and no justice any more then. Still, warm hearted
people in German would like to disobey the laws and hide the Jews in their
house. More and more people including several judges began to resist the laws
in spite of the miserable results followed. If it were not for the resisting of
people to the laws and Hitler, no success would be reached. Therefore, when a
law hurt most people's basic rights, such as living, freedom and dignity, it
must be regard as unjust and people should to resist it.

However, there
is no strict standard to distinguish just laws and unjust laws. It is rather
difficult to define whether a law is just and the other unjust because the standard
is quiet different for different people from different aspects.  Being an abstract
conception, it determined by different people's value system and their stand
point. Take euthanasia as an example. People who consider euthanasia is just argue
that it is human rights to choice whether to live or not, while those who
maintain its injustice claim that a person's life is not completely belongs to
himself/herself. At the same time, other concerns about the abuse of euthanasia
to avoid the medical expense, to fight for heritage and even to murder are
also maintaining unsolved. In a sense, people only depend on their personal
interests to judge whether a law is just or not. If everyone resists a law
just because he/she thinks it is unjust, laws will lose its existence value. Therefore,
without a widely accepted standard to define just laws and unjust laws, the
society probably will fall into chaos if people arbitrarily resist laws which
they consider unjust.

Laws exist
everywhere and their existence value depends on people’s obedience, people
should not disobey the unjust laws based on their judgment since there is no
way to define them professionally.
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