GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蓦茉
In order for any work of art—whether film, literature, sculpture, or a song—to have merit, it must be understandable to most people.
1. 艺术品被创造出来之后,其价值体现在哪些方面?请结合具体事例进行简述。
回答: 它所反映的事实,比如毕加索的《格尔尼卡》 它表现的感情准确反映了大多数人的心声
2. 如果某件艺术作品被大多数人理解,会有什么好处?又会有什么不好的地方?请结合具体事例进行简述。
回答: 说明它很可能成功的表达了大多数人的感情因此而受到认可,这样可以使其流传的更广 不好:可能他的创作者只是为了迎合大众口味,其本身也许没什么独特的艺术价值
3. 你的印象里能被大多数人理解的事物有哪些?艺术和这些事物之间有什么相同和不同?
4. 如果艺术作品脱离了大众会有什么坏处?有好处么?
5. 如果是你去进行艺术创作,拍电影、写书、做雕塑等等,你会怎样去做呢?
ISSUE218 - "In order for any work of art-whether film, literature,
sculpture, or a song-to have merit, it must be understandable to most

445          TIME: 00:42:56          DATE: 2010-3-12 下午 02:19:08

 The acceptance of an art work can determine its success to some extent; however, some great works cannot be
understood by common individuals while the most popular works may actually have
no significant value.


Populace's understanding to an art work is the key in determining its
value to some extent. Only a work can be understood can it be evaluated
relatively objectively. Thus its merits can be discovered and further spread. Take
one of the famous films, Forrest Gump, as the example. The director
successfully expressed his deep thinking about destiny and attitude toward life
by the life story of Forrest Gump, whose IQ is only 75. Without advanced
computer techniques and charming beauties, the film moved many people and told
us when we are facing the unfairness about destiny, what we should do is
accepting peacefully and do best of ourselves. This film has been treated as a classic and continues moving more and more people.
It touches people's hearts because everyone will face own flaws, just like
Forrest's IQ, but one can still have indispensible
merit, like Forrest's running skill. If the director used incomprehensible technique
of expression to show his ideas, this film probably cannot be widely spread as
it did currently, then its merits cannot be discovered by more and more
populace, either. Hence, the understanding of most people can contribute the spread
of a work, which will make more and more people to find its value.


However, since some artists’ ideas and professional skills are beyond
common individuals' aesthetic appreciation,
artistic works with great value may not be understood by most people. Monet is one of the representatives and the founder of
the impressionism. His famous work Sun Raise
Impression accepted much criticizes and doubts when
it first came to public. His expression of light seemed ridiculous for people at his time. Although his works value have
been realized by more and more artists currently, common individuals may still not
quite understand his work except knowing he is an excellent painter. What’s
more, without the basic background knowledge, it is very difficult for common people
to appreciate the art work in the aspect of professional skills. But all these
problems do not influence the outstanding contribution of great artists and
their works have made to the art. Therefore, the value of artistic works cannot
be changed whether they are understandable by populace or not.


Furthermore, the most popular works may have little value in the aspect
of art. For example, the current popular soap opera The Big Boom Theory, although
it attracts many audiences and is highly evaluated by people, one can never say
it has any great value in art. It is created just aiming to recreation and
commercial benefits.


Public understanding has no sure relationship with the value of art
work, although easily understandable works can be appreciated by more people.
Great art works may impossibly be understand by populace because of the
artist's deep thinking and advanced professional skills.
这是我限时写的一篇文章,模考完毕我修改了一些当时不会写而临时替换的词汇和一些拼写错误,思路没有改。但是我对我最后一个论点写的时候比较模糊,不知道能不能这样写。我19 号就要考了,对于ISSUE一直没有什么感觉,思路不是很清楚,不知道剩下这几天应该在那些方面在重点提高一下?
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