GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:蓦茉
Money spent on research is almost always a good investment, even when the results of that research are controversial.
1. 描述一个结果有争议的研究,这个研究有什么价值?其结果为什么有争议?
回答: 艾滋病药物的临床试验 艾滋病感染了世界上4000万人,然而人类还没有找到一种艾滋病疫苗。现在,一种能够预防艾滋病毒感染的药物—替诺福韦(tenofovir)—正在非洲、亚洲和美国进行临床试验。 然而,替诺福韦的临床实验已经面临了争议。2004年和2005年,由于当地政府对这种药物使用方法的担心,它在柬埔寨和喀麦隆的两项临床试验已经停止。 该药的实验中已经出现了几个伦理问题,例如,如何选择临床试验参与者,参与者如何在实验结束后仍然获得药物等。
2. 如果把钱投在研究上,你会考虑哪些因素来做出你的决定?请举例说明。
回答: 研究结果可以给我带来的价值,比如公司对科研的投入,回报率就是一个很重要的因素 如果从更伟大的角度说就是研究结果对整个社会有没有好处
3. 什么样的研究可能出现有争议的结果?这样的研究是否投入资金?为什么?
4. 与其他投资(比如商业投资,文化教育投资)相比,投资于研究效果具有什么样的特殊性?请举例说明。
5. 投资研究可能存在什么问题而导致投资失败?请举例说明。
We are living in a world where knowledge is increasing at an unimaginable speed and at the same time become more and more specific. At the same time, funding on researches has become one of the most promising investments even though some of them are controversial. However, no all investments to researches should be supported because they may bring troubles to societies.   Generally speaking, money should be invested to research and development for it is one of the most profitable investments. Technology serves as the driving force of the productivity. Many enterprise invests more than 40 percent of their annual profit to do the research and development. And this is obvious good investment for if the researchers can make some breakthroughs, it will bring the company monopolistic power in the market for at least a period of time. For instance, if a medical company invents an effective new medicine to cure asthma and applies for a patent, there will be 10 years for it to produce this medicine. And even though other companies can produce it after expire of this patent, after a long time dominating the market; patients may usually prefer to buy the medicine produce by this company rather than others.   What' more, investing research can benefit the whole society as well. Most researches are aimed at solving the knotty problem. Genetic engineering is applied to gene therapy to help cure diseases which most threat to human, like malignant tumor and cardiovascular diseases; studying of unclear help us effective apply a pure and powerful energy to replace the nonrenewable resource, like coal and petroleum. And all of them need money to support. Investing on such programs not only can bring the promising profit but also benefit human being in the long run.   Furthermore, some researches should be supported and invested even though it caused some controversies. For instance, the clinical experiment of tenofivor, which is a medicine aims to reduce the risk of HIV infection, is once under the debate. People concerns problems like how the participants to be choose and whether they can be treated after the experiment. However, the experiments must continue because people cannot give up the opportunity to prevent HIV. Such programs should also be funded to make breakthroughs and at the same time solve the potential problems.   However, not all the financial investment to researches should be praised. Although people do not oppose the study of nuclear energy, it does not mean manufacturing nuclear weapon should be supported; even though people are appreciating the benefits of clone, it does not equal to advocating human cloning. For those researches which may bring troubles to societies, not only should people make no investment on them, but also should people resist them.   In general, money spend on researches is a good investment because it can bring the profit to the investors and benefits to the whole society. However, not all the research should be invested since they may cause negative consequences to the whole society.
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