TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:wendyduo
Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?
1. 你有没有接触过提前入学的同学?他们和同龄人相比有什么不同。描述一个具体的例子。
回答: 比较辛苦 接触新知识比较慢
2. 你把大部分时间花在学习上还是游戏上?你觉得这有什么好处和坏处?
回答: 学习 好处:生活很充实,学到不少知识 坏处:不能享受生活,缺乏和同龄人交流
3. 在学习上花的时间一定和学习成绩成正比吗?为什么?
4. 游戏是否能提高孩子其它能力?它和学习是否是完全冲突的?
the education of young children play a critical role in the future development,while playing is also of cruical to young children.then the delimma occurs: whether spend on most of time of playing or studying? in my opinion,young children are supposed to play most of their time rather than study.
playing games enable children inspire their cognitive, responsive and operative ability.take the classic game "hide and seek" for example.for the baby under 1 year old,parents hide the favorite toy of their child, but leave some clues that can help child to find the toys,such as a small part of toy can still be seen,the once flat sheet swell up. the child had to seek his favorite toy according to the clues.during the process, he first need to recognize the sign of his toy,then go to the hiding place,finally find his toy.
another merits of games is that it helps child establish the self-confidence and the willpower through efforts which are the two factors contribute to the child's success. during the game,the child fully concentrated on how to play game and how to win the game.he has to reflect the techniques of winning and summarize why he lost in previous games.we can say that games are the first achievement on cutural and psychological aspect for child who express his unverbal thinking and feeling and overcome the current and past psychological hardship through games.this greatly benefits the establishment of self-confidence and the willpower.
though the adavantages of of beginning formal education at a very early age and spending most of time on school studies , we could not ignore its obivios disadavantages.  to begin with, too early education on child deprives his freedom of choosing,as parents have already set an aim for him. what the child have to do is to fulfill with the expectation of their parents and attain the aim,totally eliminating the pleasure of study and killing the child's imagination. still, the time spent on study is disproportionate to the grades.without studying efficiency,the more time you spent,the more time you waste.thus,efficiency are the determintant of studying,rather than time.
in conclusion,based on the above analysis,i'm spportive of the view that children should spend most of their time playing.
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