TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:米拉
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: I use computer everyday . I thought that comouter can not disappear from my life , because that makes things more easier than we thought , we also can finish our work in a very short time .
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
There are growing tendency for people tend to realized that computer beings an important part of their lives . without computer some people can not continues their work seven their lives . But still some people have a different idea about computer which is computer brings us more convenience but at the same time brings so much troubles and stresses to human's life . As far as i concerned , I thought that , computer has lots of convinient aspect , and which is brings us so convenience.
First and foremost , people uses office programs to work is improves the efficiency of their works . For instance , as for me , I am a student of social work which major requires student wirtes lots of paper that has to includes large number of words . If without computer , I just use hand to wirte , that will spends my whole day and recheck paper is very costs time . But uses computer's office programs just as word  , I can easily finished my paper , and recheck in a very easy way . Thus computer is an very importan items for students which can improves work efficiency in a wildly way .
Secondly , the Internat is an very useful way for obtains different kinds of information which includes news , politics , events . It was an renovation invention of human's world . Now , I have no ability to imagine the days without Internet which makes huaman's life too convenient . People can easily find the program, songs,flims on the internet  and see on line , communication with person who is lived in other place , or check on an information which is so important to us to know .
Finally , I though that computer games brings people so much fun . When I was a little girl just can waited my parents until they came from work , then they could played with me , but when they was not at home , i just could watched TV .But now i was really admire children who have a computer at their home . They can plays different kinds of interesting game in their home and having so much fun .
But still there are other options exists , recently we can noticed that lots of teenagers are addicted to computer which costs most of their time and let them can not concentrate their attention to study . At result , they have to faced that both mental and physical dangers of health . But there are the people who ignored the real meaning of brilliant invention , if people can use computer in a right way they can obtain lots of efficiency .
From what has been discussed above , I thought that computer brings us lots of convenience also which makes work more efficient . Having a computer people also can play some game to entertain themselves . In conclusion , computer makes our lives more intersting than it was used to be .
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