GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Danny_295
Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题为老GRE的ISSUE55原题。题目讨论高分竞争和教学质量的关系,是很常见的话题,但分析时要注意以下三点: 1、分析要面向各个教学阶段(小学、初高中、大学等)而不是单独的; 2、竞争不仅存在于学生之间,而且在教师、学校、社会之间同样存在; 3、分析的时候要避免偏激思路,虽然大家都是从应试教育阶段走过来的,但是要注意:可以排斥,但是言语不要过激。
1. 在不同的教育阶段(小学、初高中、大学等),学习质量指的都是什么?请分别举例并简述。
回答: 小学:对最基本的学习能力的培养,学习习惯、学习方法、学习兴趣的培养,只要是培养出了爱学习的孩子这一阶段的教育都可以算是成功的;初中:知识的积累,对学习习惯和方法的培养,更注重培养自学和自理的能力,开始发现自己感兴趣的领域;高中:知识体系逐渐形成,注重对学习能力的培养,包括自学能力、自主获取知识、自我思考的能力,并开始对一些学科有了较为深入的体会和探索兴趣;大学:对综合能力的培养,包括一切自主安排学习、寻找目标、积极开拓各个领域的能力,还有独立思考的能力,建立比较完整的知识体系
2. 学习质量需不需要评估?如果评估,可以用什么作为标准?如果不需要的话,又是为什么?请简单描述。
回答: 需要。分数是一个很重要的标准。所谓“高分有可能低能,低分一定低能。”
3. 取得高分要要满足什么条件?需要做哪些准备?其中有什么是正当手段,有哪些是不正当的?请举例并简述。
回答: 平时认真的学习(包括知识和方法),充分的练习,稳定的能力,健康的心态。不正当的如作弊、跟老师套磁、带手雷……等等
4. 为获得高分进行准备的过程中,有哪些方式涉及了竞争?竞争的形式以及范围是什么?请举例并简述。
回答: 认真做好自己就是一种竞争。当然还包括打探对手和考试的情况,故意对同学隐瞒情报,以及一些不正当手段的竞争如作弊
5. 竞争都可能带来什么样的结果?请结合具体事例描述。
回答: 良性的竞争会使得整体的水平得到提高,形成互相促进的氛围。如英超联赛近两个赛季,曼城的大投入使得其他豪门感受到了威胁,多支球队大手笔引援使得英超竞争激烈,愈发精彩。恶性的竞争会导致双输。如中国足坛的假赌黑;北大清华模仿牛津剑桥在昆玉河上举办赛艇比赛,但后来因为恶性的竞争不得不停止。
6. 如果取消所有竞争机制,会有什么结果?请举例并简述。
回答: 使得大家都没有了进步的动力,也没有了提高的机会,将会是一潭死水。例如中国在传统的东亚封贡体系中独占鳌头,环境又较为封闭,缺少与之竞争的对手,以至于在宋朝以后的发展陷入了停滞不前的状态
The author advocates that competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning , which evokes a fierce discussion recently. Surely, the competition for high grades brings enormous problems such as cheating and pressure. However, in my point of view, this competition is still significant to all levels of education. Firstly, score is just like a ruller that gives all levels of schools-whatever high schools or colleges-a standard to evaluate their students and test an individual's ability to decide whether he is available for the school.Since the quality of students is one of the most important determinants of a school in last years, the competition for high grades arranges the different  levels of students by their results that the school can choose.Moreover, such a standard also provide a path for teachers to estimate their educative results.For instance, the arrangement of scores will clearly reveal both the best and the worst group of students in a class, by which a teacher can reflect the methods in his or her teaching and then consummarate it. Secondly, although upon these competitions,students may suffer a unavoidable pressure,to the extent, it  is possible to cause considerable social problems, the competition is still significantly beneficial to the education for it can inspire the students to make more efforts for their future as a catalyze. It is like that the scores is not only a standard, but also a encouragement and a reward.As the ancient Chinese saying "there must be brave men under rewards", this mechanism of reward ensure the students striving for their goals. On the other hand, it would be horrible if we lose this competition.The more harmful thing than the negative effects the competition  may bring is that we don't have the competition.It is not only for education , but also for the society. Although, a large amount of problems have been brought by the competition , such as, many try to cheat in exams for a high grades or some kill themselves under a remarkable pressure,the competition itself is not responsible for that unhealthy environment. Since the intention of the establishing of the competition is benign, what we should do is creating a nice environment for such a competition and make it a benign circulation. In sum,the competition for high grades is something indispensable either for today's eduacation or the society that we can not abandon.Moreover, a good environment is another support for the improving of learning that we need to create by our own.
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