GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:董峭
It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public.
1. 描述一个领导人向公众封锁消息的例子,并阐述这次封锁消息的行为带来了什么好处,或者有什么弊端?
回答: 2011年2月20日,中国的各地区的茉莉花革命。 社会稳定? 2003年SARS事件 不及时的通报导致了社会的稳定与恐惧,部分商品物价飞涨
2. 政治领导人为什么要向公众封锁消息?请举例说明。
回答: 维持社会稳定,保证自己的统治
3. 公众是否拥有了解所有信息的权力?请从法律的角度来举例说明。
回答: 公众有了解所有信息的权利,即知情权的体现。但是,并不意味着你在这个时间点就有权了解这个时间点以前所有的信息,如国家机密(在一定时间内只限一定范围的人员知情的事项),保守国家机密同样是公民的义务。
4. 政治领导人的角色和责任与普通大众有什么不同?公众是否需要了解所有信息?如果不需要,哪些信息对于公众来说是可以被领导人封锁的?请举例说明。
回答: 代表国家形象,代表国家利益,从国家整体的角度做出决策以及制定政策。 不需要。军事机密、正在被制定的经济政策等。
5. 领导人对公众封锁信息会给社会发展、稳定等带来什么好处?带来什么弊端?请举例说明。
回答: 好处:使信息的危害降到最低,维系稳定的局势 弊端:可能会导致腐败问题,不民主
Is it often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public? The statement raises a variety of issues from people to people from different countries, with different backgrounds and different education experiences. On balance, I tend to agree with the point that it is necessary for political leaders to withhold information from the public at proper moment and in aspect as the following reasons.
One reason for my fundamental agreement with the speaker is that withholding information is necessary in some time as it can bring many benefits. Focusing on the society, withholding the economics policy, such as increase the interest rate, is necessary because the policy will turn out in vain if the people have known it in advance. In area of military, it is necessary to conceal the deployment of weapons and armies, or it will make a great harm to the security of the population in that country. For personality, there is no doubt to withhold the details of country's president for that it will take more disadvantages than advantages.
Even though there exists many necessities for withholding the information from the public, but withholding information should be proper, otherwise it will bring harmfulness rather than goodness. Some significant event, such as SARS exploding in china 2003, not withholding the information should be the proper action. However, in order keep the society stable and prevent panic, the Chinese government withheld the information at first time. But this action not only didn't come into effect, but also made people living in Beijing more threatened. During that time, all universities had to stopped the class and all students were forced in the school yard and keeping away from crowded. It brought a inconsiderable bad influence. This example indicates that withholding should be used properly or it will do harm back.
In addition, I think the extent of a society withholding the information facing the emergency is a standard to measure the maturity. For the reason that everyone is a complete rational person and with high moral standard level, so when emergency happening the non-rational persons and people with low standard level may cause the great panic for the whole society. Apart from this, letting the people to know all the information in all areas is also a non-representative measure, for that it will bring them trouble which do not belong to them. If you know that the area where you are living at is a place that the where the nuclear weapon concealed under ground, how would you feel and what would you do? If you know that there exists extraterrestrials and they even living around you, how would you feel about it? So it is unnecessary and impossible to let all people know all information.
 In the final analysis, to some degree it is not necessary even desirable for political leaders to withhold information from the public because everyone has right to know. Thus the statement is correct in this aspect. However, if we expand our horizons and from the perspective of society as a whole to appraise this issue, there is indeed for political leaders at proper time to withhold the information from the public.
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