TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:common sense
Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.
1. 你的邻居是什么样的?你觉得他是一个好邻居吗?为什么?
回答: 很糟糕,小孩子蹦蹦跳跳。
2. 你觉得你的邻居有哪些地方需要改进?例如他应该不在半夜引吭高歌等等。
回答: 最好不要让她成天到晚乱吼
3. 如果你的邻居变成你心目中的好邻居,会给你带来什么好处?
回答: 生活质量上升
  Neighbors are extraordinary important people in our lives .When choosing house, most people make decisions based on there future neighbors . People want to live near neighbors who are respectful,vigilant and community-minded.  The foundation of any relationship whether among neighbors or friends, colleagues or family members, is mutual respect. Respect between neighbors means that when they see each other they will be warm and polite.Neighbors don't have to  be  friends, but they need not to be strangers, proper relation is great. Because people live close together , so it is unavoidable to learn some personal details about their neighbors.A respectable people will not intrude on neighbors' privacy and never reveal these to anyone else  Another important characteristic is vigilant. If people see a rubber trying to break into neighbor's house,then they will call the police. If neighbor's old people come to an abrupt heart attack, they will help  and call for first aid. If government posts new regulations, they will help inform neighbors of the new laws. If everyone in a neighborhood watches out for other's safety, then the neighborhood will be a safer and more pleasant place.   Moreover, good neighbors should be community-minded. They protect environment,never throw the trash on the ground and take out their own garbage in time. They will not play loud music late at night or get drunk and fight in public.Sometimes they conserve parcels for the going-out neighbor. Community-minded neighbors know that their personal action have a  direct effect on the community,so they make decisions take into consideration their neighbors. They aim at building a community  with harmony atmosphere, thus they will have a happy and peaceful life. If every one in the community think like this, the whole community will benefit.
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