TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:魏中夏
Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work. Others prefer to get up later in the day and work until late at night. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
1. 你或者身边的人是早睡早起还是晚睡晚起工作?
回答: 我身边的人更多地选择早睡早起工作,要更好的工作就是要高效的工作,而睡眠质量决定了是否能高效工作。由于晚上天黑后更设和睡眠,能让人获得更深度的睡眠,所以早睡早起能保证睡眠质量,这样,精神好自然能更加全神贯注的投入工作
2. 你觉得自己的作息时间合理吗?为什么?
回答: 我觉得自己的作息时间很合理,从书中看成年人需要每天有7个小时的睡眠,我的睡眠时间符合这一规律,并且在早晨天亮以后我开始我一天的工作,当中午午饭后小睡半小时,由于午饭后通常会感觉疲惫,休息一下能保证后半天的精力充沛
3. 你认为最合理的作息时间是怎样安排的?
回答: 我认为合理的作息时间要劳逸结合,既不能连续工作过长时间,也不能休息过长时间。连续的工作导致精神上和身体上的疲惫会让工作效率降低,在这种时候适当地休息,虽然占用了一些时间,但是提高了精神,办事效率高了,自然可以完成更多地事情。也许这就是为什么就算事情再多人也需要休息,因为就算把时间全部用来工作,没有效率也不能取得搞得效果
4. 生活作息与哪些因素有关?
    As anyone is different from others ,it appears that individual takes different methods to arrange their time for having rest .I prefer to go to sleep early and wake up early when sun raise .    I have seen a documentary which demonstrate that during the long period of evolution ,human developed a biologic clock which ensure individual have a deep sleep at night and wake up at morning .If some one don't obey this nature rule,as a consequence he will find he need more sleep to compensate the low quality of sleeping .Recently ,there is a news concerning a car accident in which the driver drove the car at night and fall asleep though he had slept at daytime.Sometimes you just can't resist sleeping when the environment is dark.    In the other hand ,though individual could make timetable for himself ,he can not decide other's life.To some extent  ,our life is not only ourselves as we lived in a big society where communication is needed .So when we take part in group works we need to share time with others who usually wake up at morning and starts day's work.Except one condition that all the members all work until late night.A good example of social communication needs decide our time table is that all the company which require group work like Apple and Google require their employees to attend work at day time .Maybe the only group work at late night is rock band.
  I am sure that there is some job demand people staying up late like DJ in night club and some one who working on research would do the job more efficiency at late nigh .But to most ordinary people ,obey to the nature will never be wrong. 
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