TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:lizexi
【IBT机经-20】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your company's office.
1. 自己的家有什么特点?家会给你带来什么样的感觉?请结合实际简述。
回答: 家里舒适方便,家给我安全感和轻松的氛围。家里的书桌就在床的旁边,我常常学习累了就会马上躺床上休息一会儿,很舒服。
2. 办公室的功能是什么,它有什么特点?请结合实际简述。
回答: 办公室的功能就是工作啊,特点是气氛严肃紧张让人有压力。比如办公室会一张张桌子摆在一起,同事们一起上下班,互相督促,有时候老板还可能来巡视。
3. 有人说在家工作很自由很舒服,你是怎么看待这种说法的,为什么?
回答: 确实如此。家里的确舒服且工作时间自由,因为没人监督没人比较。我们可以在任何我们开心的时候工作,比如早上9点起床,然后早饭吃到十点,然后再工作,工作两个小时饿了就可以再吃饭,没有人会出来说不可以,没有人会要求你必须完成多少量的工作才能休息。
4. 也有人说办公室的工作环境可以提高人们的工作效率,而在家工作会很散漫,你同意吗,为什么?
回答: 我同意。有压力才会有动力。同事之间会相互比较,也可能会需要合作,如果你的工作不能如期完成就会影响他人的工作,所以压力不言而喻。而且办公室比较单纯,除了可以工作的各种工具之外没有其他的可供享乐的东西,人们只能工作,而不会起身玩玩游戏做做运动吃吃饭什么的。
5. 如果让你选择的话,工作的时候你是追求效率还是追求舒适度?请结合实际简述你的观点。
回答: 我追求效率。因为工作的目的是为了赚钱和提升工作的能力,为了达到这个目的,最好的 就是高效得完成应该完成的工作而不是拖着耽误着,而且,散漫得工作也没有玩儿得愉快,不如等把所有的工作完成之后再全心全意去玩。比如记者的工作吧,任务就是在规定的时间之内完成一篇稿子,如果他在家工作,很可能做了一堆和工作没关系的事情之后才开始做,可能两天才把它断断续续得写完,如果是在办公室心无旁骛得做的话,估计一上午就一气呵成写完了。工作做好,玩玩好,高效利用时间才是对的。
With the improvement of the living standards, almost everybody have computer or telephone ,for that reason, there are many people choose to work at home. But to my way of thinking, I disagree with the statement: It is better to work with your own computer and telephone at your home than work in your company's office. Our home is not only snug and convenient but also give us feeling of safety and relaxation. As an illustration, the desk is beside the bed and when I feel tired I will lie down the bed for a rest even I just work for half an hour. Owing to lack of leader's supervise and colleague's comparison, chances are you will delay your work. As a case in point,  I may get up at 9 o'clock in the morning and have breakfast at 10 and then go to work. After 2 hours, I feel hungry and have lunch. No one will require me to finish work at first and then to relax. I am free and happy. The function of company's office is just to work. The feature of the office is serious, nervous and give pressure to employees. Seeing that you may have to cooperate with your workmate, if you can not finish your part of work on time, you will influence your fellow's job, so you may have a lot of pressure to complete it. Moreover, your boss may also at your office, you can not eat or rest at his face before finish work. Furthermore, except all kinds of instruments for work, there are not anything for fun, you have no choice to divert your attention. From my point of view, I think efficiency is more important than comfort level. The aim of work is to make money and improve working ability, for reach that aim, I believe work in office is better. Apart from work, we are better to use our time in an efficient way. When we play meanwhile work, we can not play very well and can not work well neither. It's a waste of time. For example, a journalist have an duty to write an essay. If he work in home, he maybe do a lot of things had nothing to do with the essay, and finally finish it in nearly one whole day. However, when he work in the office, he may direct write it till finish without rest and complete in half a day in the end. To sum up, from where I stand, regardless of working at home is more comfortable, I prefer to work in the office to finish my work as soon as possible. I believe the company's office is a better place to work.
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