TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:荚栎
It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
1. 你或者你认识的人家附近有没有餐馆?如果有,描述一个具体的情况。
回答: 有的,大概距离不到100米的地方有一个小吃店,里面会又各种小吃以及简餐。
2. 你觉得家附近有个餐馆,给你带来了什么好处?
回答: 不想做饭或者是来不及做饭的时候可以去买东西吃。 偶尔可以换换口味。
3. 想想你家附近的餐馆有没有给你的生活带来什么不便?
回答: 晚上开夜市的时候会特别吵,影响休息。 有人喝酒闹事,社区不安宁。
4. 如果不是社区附近建餐馆,你认为是否有额外的好处或者不好的地方?具体阐述一个。
回答: 不在社区内建餐馆不好在于太远了人们不愿意走那么那么吃一顿饭,失去了很多潜在的顾客。
5. 国家在餐馆选址的问题上有没有相关规定?
回答: 没有硬性的规定。
I  lived in a old neighborhood in a little town. Recently, our neighborhood  prepare for running a new restaurant . The restaurant aim to provide a place where residents would have a rest and eat some food .
In fact ,I do not agree to this plan . Because our neighborhood is not an new development residence district . There have been enough restaurant and the fast-food shop offering  sufficient service to the resident. In our neighborhood ,there have been fast-food restaurant such as KFC , subway ,where people could fill their stomach quickly when their do not have so many time to prepare a meal for themselves. furthermore ,within 1 km far from my neighborhood . there have been an commercial central . People could  found variety restaurants in it , such as hotpot restaurant and noodle restaurant . Residents in our neighborhood can hold a litter party in them really conveniently . what's more people never no need to waiting for a seats to have a meal . So we can conclude that the restaurant near or in our neighborhood could satisfy the resident need and it is not  necessary to build an new restaurant .
What' more , a  restaurant usually make some  noise and  impacted the rest of nearby residents seriously . in our town ,people really like charting when they have a meal . when people charting  and enjoyed themselves, laughing is not avoided . as for residents who want to have a rest ,noise from laugh and charting are  like the nightmare around them . moreover , people who get  into the restaurant  ,in some way, will get drunk and make the louder noise . It is not an experience that residents can tolerant . SO, there have been enough restaurant at all . we no need to add more noise in our neighborhood.
Maybe  a  restaurant  will provide more choice to the residents  as well as more job opportunity . But  in an old neighborhood ,the restaurant  which have existed could satisfy all of need of residents it is no need to add a new one .So ,I  do not supposed a new restaurant in our neighborhood. 
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