TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:荚栎
Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你挣了钱是马上就花还是存着将来花?为什么?
回答: 挣了钱马上花。首先花钱能够换来一些你想要的服务或者商品,及时花掉能够及时享受自己的劳动成果,增加成就感,以及工作的热情。其次,钱并不是保值的东西,经济的走向如何难以预料,钱有可能会贬值,用相同的钱肯能买不到同样的价值的东西了。所以及时花掉钱,起码能保证它是钱有所值的。
2. 你觉得这种方式对你的生活有什么影响?
回答: 我觉得这样的生活方式会让我活在当下,及时能体会到生活的乐趣。身上没有很多钱,不会处于一种特别安逸的状态,所以会一直有危机感,这样的危机感能够督促我努力工作,不会倦怠。 但是如果生活中有急需要钱的地方,也可能会使我陷入窘境。
3. 马上花掉一定就不好吗?为什么?
回答: 不一定就不好。人生得意须尽欢。
4. 存着将来花就一定好吗?为什么?
回答: 不一定好啊,物价飞涨的今天,不花钱去购买一些固定的保值的产品,钱的价格就会嗖嗖的往下掉。
people who earn the money   face a  problem weather they should enjoy their money when they earn it or should save their money for some time in the future . Different people hold  variety  ideas . Some people believe that they should save their money for some time because there maybe something unpredictable which need much money to deal with it . However, the others do not think so. They prefer enjoy their money  when they earn it . In my view, I really give rise to the later opinion. 
enjoying  money is equal to  enjoying  life  and make us  happy . In generally ,most of people earning money are not for money substantially . they always want to use money to exchange what they really want ——food ,clothes , iphone even some service ,such as haircutting , babysitting and so on . Undoubtedly ,if people do not spend the money in something they really want in  time ,they also can not satisfy themselves in time . It will make them upset and  can not feel the meaning of the money ,even the meaning of hardworking to earn the money . When people do not understand the real mean of money anymore , life do not have fun anymore .So, we should enjoy money right now ,and enjoy the life right now. 
What's more, enjoying money in time ,in somehow, is benefits for ones career . people who usually do not save money also means that they are  " poor " .——having no money in the pockets. Generally  ,poor people always try their best to earn the money because they really need money to exchange something they want . one of ways to earn money is pay attention to their career  to  secure  more salaries . by and large , people who pay attention to their career always get more opportunity to improve .So, enjoying money in time is good for ones career.
Actually ,saving money is not a save way to avoid risk. saving money also has risk . one of the most common risk is inflation. that means people who save money for the future will spend more money in the same things .  for example , people have ever  spent  1 million RMB to secure an apartment located in beijing in 1990s. Because of the inflation , It will take 100 million rmb to got  a same apartment  now. the money is not the golden , it can not hedge against inflation . so saving money for future is not safe at all. 
above all .I did not suppose the idea that saving money for future .I believe that enjoying money in time make our life more comfortable and happier. 
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