GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:kidelf
The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论历史研究的意义,题目认为其主要意义在于说明各个历史时期人们的生活是相同的。与本题很类似的老GRE题目ISSUE226--People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.对于本题,你可以从:是否存在错误观念、导致错误观念的原因、研究历史对其作用、表面生活形式之下的深层问题、对不同领域环境和环境下的问题的不同情况等方面展开分析。需要注意两点: 1、在讨论历史研究意义的过程中,不能无视题目限定的范围(各个历史时期人们的异同)而岔开话题自说自话——去列举其他研究历史的好处并且不和此范围做相关类比或对比; 2、在对比不同历史时期人们的生活的时候要有具体内容,言之有物而不是喊口号说空话。
1. 请举例描述现在人们日常生活、学习、工作中的三种情况,并和十年前、一百年前、一千年前的人们遇到过的情况进行对比。
回答: 生活上,科学技术的快速发展使得交通工具的速度越来越快,通讯工具也有越来越有效。人们可以乘坐各种交通工具在一天之内到达很远的地方,也可以实时与位于地球另一端的朋友语音聊天和视频聊天。这在以前是不可想象的,甚至在十年前,人们都不敢想象运输工具和通讯工具可以如此便捷。 学习上,以前人们学习都要聚集到一个固定的地点,准时上下课。而现在,科学技术的发展和人们教学理念的变化,使得更多人开始参与更个性化的教育方式,例如家庭教育和在线教育。这不仅给人们带来了便利,更大大提高了学习效率。 工作上,工业化的发展使得分工不断细化,产生了各种各样的工作,各具特点和特长的人们都可以在现代社会中找到适合自己的、能够充分发挥自己才能的工作。另外,计算机和移动通讯技术的发展也给人们跨时间跨地域工作提供了更多可能,工作效率由此大大提高。
2. 你是否认为生活在现在这个历史时期的人和其他任何历史其的人相比都有很大不同?如果是,那么差别在那些方面?如果不是,那么现在的人们和以前各个历史时期的人们有什么相似之处?请举例并简述。
回答: 生活在现代社会的人们与生活在其他历史时期的人们之间还是存在着很大不同,从思想观念到看待事物的角度等。例如在19世纪的时候,很大一部分人认为奴隶制是正确的,而现在,奴隶制早已经被废除。自由和平等的理念得到了世界范围内的认同。
3. 造成人们认为自己和其他历史时期的人有很大差异的原因是什么? (可从内因、外因两方面考虑)
回答: 从内因来看,人们的思想在不断的变化,对外界的看法也在不断进步。 从外因来看,历史的不断演进和科学技术的发展使现代社会的人们与历史上的人们产生很大不同。
4. 历史研究可以带给人们哪些信息或方法?是否有了这些信息和方法就可以消除这种错误观念?
回答: 研究历史可以帮助人们更好的理解现在,人们可以从中找到社会兴衰的原因和模型,为未来的发展提供更多更有价值的参考。我并不认为题中的观点是错误的,生活在现在的人们确实和历史中的人们存在很大的不同。
The issue is telling us that the main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people living in early times. However, the truth is that people living now do have a lot of differences comparing to those living in early times. I can not agree with the writer that the idea is of an illusion. Besides, helping people get to know the society and humanity better and deeper seems to be more important than dispel some of the illusions.  The main benefit we draw from the study of history are the valuable lessons which is used to facilitate the development of human society.The thousands-long history of human society has witnessed lots of tremendous changes in human society, both physically and mentally. Firstly, the rapid development of science and technology has made the communicative facilities more effective and affordable. The life style people have nowadays is different from that of early times. High-speed vehicles enable people travel from this side of the earth to another. Instant messengers make it easier for people to reach out to their friends or relatives. Since that , the way people look into the world differentiate those of ancient people. Secondly, online education services which make in-house education a reality mushroomed lately. People do not have to go to school to huddle together in a classroom to enrich themselves. And also services like that provide us far more knowledge of all respects. Besides, industrialization produced much refinements in which people with various professional skills can always find their places, and also realize their values. We can conclude that people living now do have their own way to live, to work and to study. That is also what makes them different from those live in early times.Although we have seen obvious differences between modern people and ancient people, we cannot deny the truth that something has never changed like the humanity, love and curiosity.  These traits, entrenched into the heart of each human, exits across the human history.Delving into history brings modern society various benefits. There is an old saying in China that looking into history let us understand the present better. Comparing to the dispelling of some of the illusion, the value of the study of history lies in the lessons it provided to human and the society. Thus, the main benefit of the study of history is to dispel illusions, but obviously not the one mentioned by the claim. It aims to dispel illusions people may come across repetitive events already happened in the past.
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