TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Martin1017
【IBT机经-25】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People are now easier to become educated than in the past?
1. 如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 科技发展,全程化进程加速,不同文化和种族来往密切,经贸合作。
2. 过去的社会大背景是什么?它对教育有什么影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 旧社会多为君主制和封建王朝,只有贵族和统治者有受良教育的机会,例如欧洲贵族,王室。
3. 哪些特点使受教育变得更容易了?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 首先,民主化和社会革命使得普通大众也有受教育的权利,尤其是良好的大学教育。
4. 哪些特点增加了受教育的难度?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 随着教育的普及和人们意识的提高,教育机构的数量毕竟有限,导致竞争的难度也加大,特别是世界上顶尖学府如哈佛,耶鲁等
5. 如果让你选择,你会选择在当代接受教育还是选择穿越回过去接受教育?请结合具体事例说明你的理由。
回答: 当代的时代特征可以让更多人享受到教育的权利,特别是基础性教育,并且,高等院校的科研以及教学水平也在增加
Nowadays, the globozation is accelerating and the communication among different cultures is frequent, trades are not unusual. Under this condition, the span of what people know is not just as sorrow as what they had before , and the education apparently is more essential for them, from the point of my view ,I agree that education is easier than before ,because of all of these.   Firstly, the process of democratization and social evolution provided the rights of education especially the excellent primary and university education, making ordinary citizens enjoys them. In the past, especially ancient society, education is just offered to aristocrats and royal family. However, nowadays , it is the most basic born-right in one’s whole life, at the same time, the governments and capitalists have pay attention to this area ,as we can see in every country, they are full of all kinds of educational institutes including private and public schools.   The development of technology also makes the education step forward, and technology has been an indispensable part. As we know ,with the appearance of computer and network, the ways of people’s life have tremendously changed, schools and classes are not just defined by patterns like the face-to-face class and so forth, they can be seen in the a variety of online class .recently, some schools in japan proposed that replace the testbook instead of electronic books and the way submit the housework could by email   I admitted ,modern education has some disadvantages. the awareness of accepting better education is improving , however , the excellent school are just limited that can not satisfy everyone’s needs. For example yale and Harvard are the two top universities in the world .every year, it could receive thousands of applications ,some with high GPA, scores of GRE and GMAT. However in the end ,just those who have the potential could get the opportunes   In summary, although modern education have some drawbacks and the limited educational institutes could not satisfy the increasing mounts. But we cam not deny the fact that modern society is giving more people the rights of getting education ,and I believe with the endorses of governments and national institutes ,the environment of education is bright
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