TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:bluebell
【IBT机经-12】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past
1. 请结合具体事例简述,过去和现在相比,时代背景有哪些不同?
回答: 经济条件变好了,大部分家庭基本解决了温饱问题,迈向小康生活。科技发展了,新技术改变了生活方式,带来了很多方便
2. 在这些不同点中,哪些影响到了家庭教育方面,为什么? 请结合实际谈谈。
回答: 经济条件。有多余的钱来放在教育上。以前吃不饱,没有钱给孩子教育。 教育观念。随着整个社会教育程度的提高,不注重教育很难在社会立足、
3. 孩子教育都包括哪些方面?会不会有哪些方面过去比现在的家长做得更好呢?请结合实际谈谈。
回答: 品德人格教育,文化科学素质,爱好特长的启发。 以前也有很多经济条件好重视教育的人,很重视孩子的品德教育,曾国藩。现在教育偏应试化,对思想上的教育略欠缺
4. 参与到孩子教育中意味着要投入更多的时间、精力和金钱,考虑到这一点,现在的孩子家长真的能比过去的家长做的更好吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 现在大部分家庭比过去的大部分家庭做的好。但是也有家长很忙碌,没有太多时间陪孩子,身体力行的教育可能比不上过去的有些家庭
5. 考虑到不同地区的社会经济发展水平或同一地区不同社会阶层等情况,该观点还成立吗?是否有局限性呢,为什么?
回答: 因为现在都知道教育读书才能改变人生,基本上还都比较重视教育。但是在特别贫困的地区,不能重视教育也属无奈之举
    With the development of modern society, the competition is more and more intensive. So the society demands young people to have higher quantity. then how to make our children get higher quantity ,and have more technology or speciality? it must to be trained by education. so for fitting the modern society, parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past.    Firstly, family today are enough rich to spend money on children's education. In the past, many families are very poor ,so they only thought about how to earn money to buy foods or other necessary things, they had no redundant money to buy books or invited teacher to teach their children ,even many families had no enough money to pay tuition. but living condition has change very  much today ,many parents can spend lots of money to let their children study science and arts.For example ,when my mother was a child, the education she got was only to go to school, when i was a child ,i had many books and i can study drawing and dancing in interesting class which need money out of school, then my children ,only one years old , costed my 20000 yuan in the early education center last month.   Secondly, because in the modern society the competition is very  intensive, young people in order adapt the society must control lots of skills, so their parent must cost time and money to train them. If all the parents around you invite teacher to teach their children extra knowledge , you must do like them, otherwise your child will be behind of theirs. so to let child be ahead of or keep up with others, you must put attention in your child's education.   Thirdly, the idea that education is very important thing is accepted by lots of people. In the past time, many people thought knowledge is not useful enough, they often make their children do business or do other work to earn money. But today more and more people realize that the education can change their children's fate  ,can make their children see the wide world. There is lots of example that many peasants' children get good jobs in big cities by the education of colleges instead of farming in the country. So many poor family also do their best to educate their child to hope they can change their future living conditions.   But because of parents are very busing in working today ,perhaps they have no enough  time to accompany their children to tell stories like parents in the past. and today parents pay attention to examination and parents in past educate their children more truth about how to be a good person.   so, the demand of modern society improve the educational situation, more and more parents pay attention their children's education and cost money and time continuously. This is a good tendency. But parents not only see their children's score of examination, but also attach importance to children's moral education like people in the past. 
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