TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:钱琛
A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.
1. 你或者你认识的人家附近有没有大型工厂?如果有,描述一个具体的情况。
2. 你觉得家附近有个大型工厂,给你带来了什么好处?
3. 想想你家附近的工厂有没有给你的生活带来什么不便?
4. 如果不是社区附近建工厂,你认为是否有额外的好处或者不好的地方?具体阐述一个。
5. 国家在工厂选址的问题上应该考虑哪些因素?
There is no doubt that if a large factory is built near the community, it will turn out to be some advantages and disadvantages towards the community. Of course, large factory can bring local people more chances of jobs and boost the local economy. At the same time, large factory, especially chemical factory, will inevitably brings pollution.
As to the advantages of a large factory, the first thing come to my mind is the benefits of economy. We are all familiar with the rule that regional GDP always depends on those large factory. For example, in my hometown, there is a famous factory named yuandong cable which contribute almost 50% to the regional economy. What is more, building a large factory can solve many people's job problems. People who live in this community can be the first candidates. And it is located near the community, people who are hired in this factory can also consider buying houses in this community. So the large factory can also boost the sale of the housed in this community.
Just as a coin which have two sides, we cannot ignore the adverse influence which is brought by the large factory. The most obvious one is pollutions. Seldom can a large factory create no pollution. Especially chemical factory, the garbage created by production of chemicals will contaminate the source of water. I will never forget the event about the eruption of blue-green algae in Taihu Lake. It resulted in the water-break several days. People did not have clear water to drink or to use. And the one who should be responsible for that case is those chemical factories. In addition, some factories will create noise which influences the people's life, considering it is located near the community. In general, take the advantages and disadvantages into consideration, i think i will oppose the factory. I still think the best locality which is suit for the factory can be someplace which is far from the crowd. After all, community is a place which should provide people a quite environment for rest.    
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