TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:郑小晨
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has destroyed communication among friends and family. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
1. 你会跟家人或朋友一起看电视吗?看的时候会聊些什么?看了之后,你们还会再讨论吗?
回答: 会和家人一起看。看的时候会聊剧情。看了之后有时会讨论。
2. 平常你跟家人和朋友是怎么交流的?
回答: 平时和家人在吃饭的时候交流,看电视的时候也交流。主要是遇到困难了交流得比较多。
3. 如果家里没有了电视,你现在跟朋友和家人的交流会有什么改变?
回答: 如果没有了电视,家人少了很多从电视上了解到的一起谈论的话题。但同时会多一些时间和精力进行交流,而不会被电视分散。
4. 除了看电视的原因,你觉得还有其它的什么因素影响了你跟家人和朋友间的交流?
回答: 1.家人和朋友都有自己的事情要忙,减少了交流的时间。 2.每个人做的事情都不相同,缺少共同语言。
5. 现代新技术产品的生产对人们生活有什么影响?
回答: 丰富了我们的生活,有利有弊,总之利大于弊。
Nowadays,with the adventure of TV,more and moer people talking about the problem of wheather televison has destroyed communication among friends and family.

In my opining,I don't think so.To the contrast,I advocate that television futher the communication among friends and family.
First of all,television previde a lot of topics that we family and friends can talk about.For example,we watch the news everyday,and we always talk about the politics that the goverment made recently.Still,we always talk about the sport game or movie we just watched.We could share our thought about the sport game or movie with family and friends who have the same interst.In this process,we communicate and feel happy.
Secondly,television programs always provids many method to solve the problem we met in life.For instance,there are some programs provide helps when you have emotional problems,for example,breakup with boy/girlfrind or generation gap with parents.We can find good way to solve ours problem in contrast to the program.
Last,although television distribute some concentration on communication among friends and family,it is not the main reason that we communicate less than before.We spend more time divotion to our work that destory the communication among friends and familys.
All in all,television make our life colorful,and it is not the main reason that we have less time and opptunity we and family to communicat.
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