TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Terry
【IBT机经-17】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for a job.
题目讨论的是哪种能力对于工作来说更重要,写作的关键在于分析这两个不同能力的特点和作用是什么, 写作的难点是找出实际生活中相对应的工作。
1. 一个新环境往往具备哪些特点?人们适应一个新环境的过程往往是怎样的?这个适应过程是只有少数人具备的吗?请结合实际简述。
2. 专业知识的重要作用是什么?它能够帮助我们做好哪些事情?请结合实际简述。
3. 什么样的工作要求我们适应环境的能力更强些,为什么?这些工作有什么样的特点?请结合实际简述。
4. 什么样的工作需要我们具备出色的专业知识?专业知识是如何帮助我们做好这些工作的呢?请结合实际简述。
5. 干好一份工作需要哪些方面的能力?上述两种能力以外,其他方面的能力对于工作起到什么重要的影响?请结合实际简述。
The ability to adapt to a new environment is more important than excellent knowledge for a job.   As the social revolution and progression, the ability of personal adaptation to new environment become of growing importance in our society compared to the excellent knowledge of individual vocation. There are several reasons for saying this, as starting with three obvious reasons detailed below.   Indeed, there is not to deny that if people are so familiar with profession knowledge in their respective communities, they undoubtedly could be and was the main factor that push the company forward. Furthermore, in its manifestation of the gain rewarded by the enterprises, it might play an indispensable role in the company. The most dramatic example of this role is computer technology. Programmers are always equipped with professional knowledge about computer science, ranging from C language and embed system technique, so that they could tackle relevant questions more efficiently, matched by the large amount of company. Thus, people with professional knowledge, in a sense, is of enormous and direct benefit to their own occupations.   However, in the process of social practice, improvements on professional knowledge must go hand in hand with adaptation with new environment. The working condition is able to make such a dramatic change in one's jobs, particularly the exceptionally occupations with communication with people. Human resource management (HRM)is depicted as a prime example. The manager need to have dealing a diverse array of things with staff, department leaders, and other company’s executors. Their success depends upon the interplay between, on the one hand, professional skills and, on the other hand, the ability to meet the amount of changes. The decisions they made, if not tackled immediately, may well plunge the whole organization into a mass very soon. Therefore, it is too significant for people to have ability with adaption to new environment.   Last and but least, educated only in certain field, youths are liable to be isolated from society. There is no easy way for people to stand on the society, so people should have sight not only on gaining knowledge but also on practicing social ability. As the roles English played in the society become increasingly significant, so do the role learning English play in the universities. The grammar serve to be essentially learned, though rarely to any action on behalf of application of English. People can read and write without grammar as long as they realize all the meaning of the words. Moreover, practical sceneries are  also taken some care in learning English, going together with literature, finance, political and so forth.  
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