GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:周杨梓
Some people believe that in order to thrive, a society must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens. Others believe that the well-being of a society can only be measured by the general welfare of all its people. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.]
一些人认为,如果一个社会要繁荣,它必须在人民的个人生活富裕之前先获得整体的进步。 另一些人认为,社会的整体进步只能由其全民福利来衡量。[说明:写一篇文章,讨论哪一个观点更加接近你自己的观点,并解释你选择这个观点的理由。在展开和支持你的观点时,你需要处理上面提到的两个观点]
本题改编自老GRE的ISSUE19"If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the wellbeing of its individual citizens"。这是一个讨论社会和社会成员在社会繁荣和进步问题上关系的话题,实际上就是讨论“国富”和“民强”之间的关系。你可以认为“国富”造就了“民强”,也可以认为因为“民强”所以“国富”。需要提醒的是,无论选择什么观点,都需要阐述清楚“为什么”,而不能只描述一些现象。
1. 一个社会获得整体繁荣的表现有哪些?请举例说明。
回答: Creat more value in economy . For example , many factories settle down here and many shopping mall open up . There are many high-level facilities in the city . For example , skycrapers spring up and stores are filled with luxuries .
2. 一个社会的人民生活安康富裕的表现有哪些?请举例说明。
回答: Children get free education . There are plenty of free education source that parents do not feel oppressed by burden from schools . People feel responsible for their homeland and happy for their lives . For example , citizens are allowed to participate in the administration of their cities and the wealthy are willing to contribute to philanthropy .
3. 如果一个社会整体实现了进步和繁荣,它的公民是否一定会富裕?为什么?请举例说明。
回答: Alough skyscrapers are spring up , lots of the constructing workers are poolly paid and their children drop out from schools . Although stores are filled with luxuries , there are beggers walking around .
4. 如果一个社会并不太发达,但是人民生活安定富裕,这对于整个社会的繁荣会带来什么好处?会有什么负面作用?请举例说明。
回答: There is low criminal rate and people could enjoy an good natural environment . People have to travel to other place for shopping and young people who are adventurous are not willing to stay .
I agree with the fundamental intention of the latter opinion for the reason that general welfare is an important indicator of the wellbeing of a society and people's happiness is the ultimate purpose of our persuit . Nevertheless , we should also pay attention to other respects for the overall thriving .
First , I will support my fundamental agreement . Admittedly , the overall thriving of a society will help to enhance people's well-being .However it is unmoral  and dangerous to provide prerogative to economy and industrious development regardless of people's health and happiness . For example , while the wealthy move to other comfortable places with the money robbed from the city in sacrifice of  nature environment , pool people have to stay and suffer the consequent health problem . Another example is that in some country , the local businessmen are so eager and ambitious that they rob the coal mine crazily without paying any attention to workers safety and health . What is worse , the goverment  connive their crime for  economy thriving . In this way , any conscientious person would not agree that the overall prosperity should be put before citizens' happiness .
Second , while I agree the latter opinion's intention which is the ultimate purpose of our development , it is also flawed in that it overlooks other indicators of well-ings such as public facilities , education quality and  sicentific technology . Even if individuals are well supported by general welfare , they will not enjoy convenient and efficient lives unless the city is equipped with basic facilities . For example , while some large cities in China seem to expand and  become modernized extraordinarily , they fail in many specific places such as inclines by the stairs for the disabled in public place . When it comes to education , an advanced and developed city should ensure that their faculties are qualified and the whole society pays enough attention to education . Finally , advanced technology is also an important indicator . It is technology that make people's desires come true .
In sum ,  I agree with the latter opinion's intention but it should conclude more in mesuring a city's well-being . On the other hand , while the overall thriving help to improve people's happiness , we should never sacrifice people's health and
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