TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:LV
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你在大学里学的是多项课程还是专项的?你觉得学校的课程安排合理吗?为什么?
回答: 专项的,主要偏重政治、经济类。学校的课程安排应该取决于专业的分类,对于我们学校来说我觉得多学习政治经济的课程时很有帮助的,这两者之间是的关系紧密,而且往往能够提出互相产生一些新的观点。
2. 学多个专业的课程对学生有哪些提高?
回答: 1,知识面的扩展,可以使学生找到自己真正的兴趣点,从而实现自己的人生目标 2,一些其他领域的知识能够帮助学生在自己的领域内有一些突破性的进展,毕竟近年来,很多重要突破都是交叉学科,比如:数学+经济是经济从叙述走向数理,更加有说服力和操作性,生物化学阐释化学元素对生物的影响
3. 只学一个专业对学生有什么好处?
回答: 1,节省精力,可以学的更加深入,对当前的专业有好的认识,也能更好的应用。毕竟不同的学科对于思维能力,天赋的要求是不一样的,比如艺术就对天赋要求高,而物理化学就要求很好的逻辑能力 2,符合市场导向,更好的就业,全球化导致专业化分工越来越精细,社会目前更多需要的是专才。一些复杂的工作只有在这个学可能沉浸了很久的人才能解决
4. 你有没有选修过跟你专业相差比较远的课程?你觉得这对你学习本专业有帮助吗?
回答: 有,但是都是出于好奇心的驱使。 1,学习非本专业的课程一个原因是在于调节自己的状态,接受一些新的事物能够让自己在本专业的学习上更加有效率;比如有些人选体育、艺术类课程旨在在一周的学习之中给自己一点调剂,放松放松 2,由于各个学科之间存在一定的联系,所以飞本专业的课程往往可以给本专业提供一些新的思路。比如心理学课的学习有助于对消费者理论的理解
5. 站在社会的角度上,哪种学校培养出来的学生更具有适用性?为什么?
回答: 注重专项学科的学校。因为当前社会形态需要专才,这样才能解决日益复杂的问题,而一个什么都学的人很难学到真正的东西
The answer of this statement depends on people's personal experience and life style. In my point of view, with development of the society, the world becomes more and more complex and a lot of problems can only be solved by people who really have a deep investigation on this problem. Thus, university should require students to specialize in one subject.
Admittedly, taking classes in many subjects might help a lot of students to find which fields they really like so that they have possibility to work on their interests. Nowadays, many student can go to university to study because of different motivates, but some of them may not know what they are really interested. If the university gives them chances to study many other subjects, they might find the answers and revise their major when they enter the graduate school. Finally, they might make their life significantly and easily.
However, requiring students to study many subjects would disburse students’ energy. People's energy is limited, we cannot study lots of different subjects at the same time because different subjects have different features and requirements and to reach them is very difficult for most students. Furthermore, although students can study many subjects in the same time, their efficient of learning could be very low and could not understand the essential idea of the subjects because a deep understand of a subjects always needs lots of time and energy to research. Therefore, learning many subjects might no be helpful to students' future life.
Additionally, the society is more likely to need people who specialize in one specific subject in modern times. The division of the economic trends to be more and more complex caused the work also becomes finer and finer, and naturally, corporations need different employees who have specialized knowledge in different areas. For instance, a company consists of several divisions such as accounting division, human resource division, market division, and cannot managed by one person efficiently and precisely because it is impossible for him to consider all the elements of an event. On the other hand, some companies' requirements of jobs is at least a master degree which reflect the demand of specilized students. In order to adapt the society, naturally, the university should require students study in one subjects.
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