TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:LV
【IBT机经-37】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past fifty years.
题目讨论的是祖父母的建议对我们是否有帮助的问题。题目给了一个判断“The advices given by our grandparents have little to do with the changes that has happened over the past fifty years (祖父母的建议对这五十年来发生的变化不起任何作用)”。诚然,祖父母不可避免地会和时代有些脱节,他们的建议难免会有些过时。但可不能否认的是,时代在变幻,很多事情的本质依然没变,而祖父母建议的珍贵之处就在于对本质地准确把握,对事物的洞察要比我们深刻,目光要比我们深远。所以,能否因祖父母对新生事物接受得慢就否定他们建议的价值是需要在作文中说明的。
1. 毋庸置疑的是祖父母比我们年长,生活阅历要比我们丰富得多。请结合你的实际生活,谈谈祖父母的建议是否有帮助过你?是怎么帮的?
回答: 有帮助过。他们对人际关系的认知不论在什么时代都是没有变化的
2. 祖父母关于哪些方面的建议不会随着时间的推移而减弱它的指导作用?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 主要的价值观,比如人要诚实守信,善良,真诚
3. 俗话说,不听老人言吃亏在眼前,请结合实际谈谈你对这句话的理解。
回答: 长辈们的经验总是比晚辈多很多的,他们的想法有时候虽然与社会脱节,但是本质没有什么变化,他们对社会的认知远远高于我们,很多东西我们只能看到表面,而他们能看到本质
4. 请结合具体事例简述世界在过去的五十年里发生了哪些变化?祖父母不可避免地在某些方面与很多新事物发生了脱节,请结合具体事例简述这个现象。
回答: 科学技术的发展,使得生活变得信息化,很多东西的呈现方式发生了巨变。比如:过去报纸的出现使得信息传播变的便利,那是的人们都非常相信报纸上的内容,认为那都是真的;可是如今,越来越多的媒体开始挤占报纸的市场,报纸不得不为了经济目的而改变自己的经营策略,报纸上的内容变得不那么可信了,比如很多广告都严重失真。
5. 祖父母对于这些新生事物的某些观点依然具有很高的参考价值,你同意吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 同意。不论在怎么改变,社会的本质是不会改变的,过去需要诚实善良,现在也需要,很多人性的本质的东西是可以不断传承的。
Nowadays, a lot of teens believe that their grandparents' advice is insignificant in that the world develops rapidly and they cannot keep step it. In my views, however, I think the advices from our grandparents could still guide us a lot.
Admittedly, numerous new things in the modern world make grandparents' advices become useless because their life style, education and living environment is really different from ours now. For example, in the past time, the technology is not advanced, our grandparents often believe that witches can cure diseases and bring good luck for us. Naturally, when we sometime get some troubles, our grandparents might advise us to find a witch and do a ritual to drive the bad luck out of our body. In fact, nowadays, we all know that they are not true.
However, lots of essential things might not change during these years though the world has changed a lot such as the core value of human beings, which requires people possess such virtues: kindness, honest, humility and so on. And all of these virtues, which guide a right way of our life, had ever been advised by our parents when we were very young. Thus, grandparents' advices like these would truly make a big sense for their grandchildren because they taught us how to be a human being.
Additionally, people's life experience could often be a very good text book to teach us how to stand on such a complex society, so does our grandparents'. Our grandparents have a deep cognition of the world so that their advices might be very worthy helping us success. For instance, most of our grandparents have experienced the World War Two, a very chaotic period, and they know how precious the peace is and how small the life is, but we do not know. Because of these experiences, their advices are all always full of wisdom and philosophy and can warm what should do or not.
In sum, although some advice of our grandparents might be useless because of the developing world, their experience and the moral which they transmit generation to generation are always good teachers to help us know the world deeply and succeed smoothly. After, grandparents are living in the world much longer and also know much more.
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