TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:Terry
【IBT机经-42】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Acting at once is better than being patient.
1. 哪些事情要求人们要立即行动?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 紧急事件,风险投资
2. 立即行动在加快速度的同时也会带来犯错的风险,这会带来哪些不好的影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 忽略细节,可以避免的错误。 导致实施过程出问题,甚至失败。 出国。
3. 哪些工作不要求工作速度反而强调人们工作的准确性?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 科学研究。艺术家绘画作品。 Faraday 电磁感应 30y
4. 有人说,耐心等待往往会导致机会的流失,你是否同意这种观点,请结合实际简述。
回答: 同意。 股票投资需要把握机会。足球比赛中,破门就在瞬间
5. 有人说,耐心是一个优秀的品格,你是否同意该说法,请结合实际说明你的理由。
We are living in a world full of choices and unforeseeable matters. Sometimes we need to take action immediately, and we should be patient when encounter to something unanticipated. Those who oppose to keep patient argue that it may miss the best opportunities if we think it over. From my perspective, however, I cling to an unshakable belief that being patient would be the first chioce when dealing with problems.  Patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured over time. People will be pleasantly surprised by how relaxion and peace of mind can positively impact our world. Depending on patience are many great achievements. Especially in the field of science, the patience can play a key role in the researches. Taking physical experiment, for example: Faraday, the greatest scientists in the history of physics, who is the first man to suggest the existence of eletromagetic induction. But it would never be known how it discovered, but it is certain that Faraday had spent 30 years to seek through various means to accomplish the experiment.  Without patience this extrodinary founding would never be existed in the world. In this sense, people should cultivate and nurture the quality of patience in order to make more contributions to human beings.   Think it over and making a sound decision could increase the possibility of achieving success. Before taking the decisive step to successs, people should scutinize the every munite details in the process for the purpose of full preparation. For instance, when  I planed to further study abroad, aside from considering my own thought, there are many factors taken into account, involving economic condition of family and adaption of climates as well as language level and future job prospects. I need to keep patience to think these factors over, and to prepare for unpredictable problem I will confront with. Under this circumstance, people should be equiped with patience, otherwise, the difficulties involving in leading to suceees would be surmountable.  There is not to deny that taking fast action would exchange more opportunity to success and excel. Sometimes the faster we get into action, the less change we will be perplex by fear. For example, in the field of finance, espencially investment, it is far great risk to invest in the stock market, even for those experienced stockjobber. They must seize the opportunity which is so transient that people have few of time to think it over. In this case decision making limit in minutes and seconds. However, people have to wait the appearance of right time, and thus they need enough patience to wait.  In a nutshell, it seems that taking action may bring some advantages, but people maintain patient in majority of life time and wait the opportunity appear and seize it. Success always derives from patience.
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