TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-21】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should know the events happening around the world, even if it unlikely have some influence on your daily life.
1. 我们生活的是一个什么样的世界?这个时代的特点是什么?
回答: 我们生活的世界信息爆炸、经济快速发展,但是国与国之间的摩擦也时常发生。这个时代的特点是信息量极大且更新速度快
2. 请举例说明世界上正在发生的重大事件有哪些?
回答: 全球变暖,国家之间的关系时常紧张,俄罗斯与乌克兰冲突不断
3. 这些重大事件有什么特点呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 环境问题是与我们的生活相关的,而后者主要是发生在国与国之间政治、经济冲突不断,看似与我们的生活关系不大,但冲突加深还是会影响到我们的生活
4. 这些事件是否会直接影响到你的日常生活?如果是,为什么?如果不是,那么是否会间接影响到你的生活呢,为什么?
回答: 环境问题的确影响到了我们的日常生活,现如今雾霾横行,已经严重危害到了我们的身体健康;但国家之间的政治经济冲突却没有直接影响我们的生活,但确实有间接的影响,如果两国交战,势必会影响世界格局,中国的身份原本就微妙,这样的话我们的生活还是会有影响的
5. 了解这些重大事件有什么意义呢?了解和不了解有什么分别么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 培养我们的国际视野以及看问题的全面性,了解世界局势和形势,提升自己的素质
what we now live is a considerably complex era. global warming, fierce confliction between nations and lots of other problems happen every day. thus, there is a debate about whether if we should know events happening around the world, even if it unlikely have some influence in our daily life. from my personal perspective, the answer is yes. we do need to care about the current affairs around the world in this information explosion and rapidly developed society. they will benefit us.environmental problem maybe the most important events that people care about. now in China, almost each city are full of haze with terrible air to breathe. therefore, a growing number of people have respiratory disease. and doctors have made their effort to treat the patients, but the number has always been increasing with a surprising rate. government have announced that they would take some policies to deal with it, but in vain. so considering about people's own interest, we must know how the things going and what we should do to prevent ourselves. like me, this term, i start to go to gym to exercise so that i can have a better health and cam prevent bacteria from attacking me. some other events however, like the confliction between nations such as Russia and Ukraine have no direct influence on us. so someone may think: that is nothing to do with me. peace or war, who cares? but i don't think so. if the two nations go to war. it must break the balance now in the world. the position of China is sensitive and important, then the war must influence our motherland. so if China take part in the war, what should we do? even though we cannot change the government's decision, but we can influence the authority. in the past, i don't like discussing this kind of events at all, but now, i like watching news about current affairs like national policy, relationships between countries or economy. what is more, i have my own opinion about them. i can discuss even debate with my father. that's a great improvement for me.even though you think some events have nothing to do with your life. it does no harm to you. you can learn from them and broad your horizon, know about the world situation and improve your quality. think about that, when someone talk to you about something happened these days, you have a outstanding view to express. they will think you are an interesting man and make friends with you. so what do you feel as other's idol? so go to care about events that happen around the world. that will benefit you. 
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