TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:鞠鸥几
【IBT机经-25】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People are now easier to become educated than in the past?
1. 如今的时代特点是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 信息爆炸,经济高速发展,对高素质的人才需求也越来越多,教育资源丰富
2. 过去的社会大背景是什么?它对教育有什么影响?请结合实际简述。
回答: 过去的社会人们急需解决温饱问题,科技落后,思想也停滞不前,这就导致了 父母不愿意孩子接受教育浪费时间而是更愿意他们尽早工作,成家生子
3. 哪些特点使受教育变得更容易了?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 1.经济发展,人们变得富裕了,对教育的投资就更多了;2.思维转变,当今社会对告诉这人才的需求越来越多,越来越多人相信知识改变命运;3.独生子女政策让家长把更多的精力投入到自己唯一的孩子身上,希望孩子接受最好的教育,有一个promising future
4. 哪些特点增加了受教育的难度?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 有吗???不觉得
5. 如果让你选择,你会选择在当代接受教育还是选择穿越回过去接受教育?请结合具体事例说明你的理由。
回答: 当然是在现在接受教育,首先,现在的科技水平远胜于过去,在现在学习能够获得更多的知识,穿越回过去学习就是傻;其次,过去的教育资源比之现在来说太有限了,听父母说过去上学要走很远的路,而且一个学校也没有几个老师,怎么及得上现在,实验室里有那么多仪器设备,图书馆里那么多书籍让我更方便的去体会知识的魅力;再者,如果回到过去,我肯定不是父母唯一的孩子,过去的时代歧视女性,我的父母必然不会让我接受教育,因为那个时候的人们信奉女子无才便是德,如果穿越回到过去八成我就会被这样的思想束缚死
early in the past, the whole nation was so poor that people in the country concentrated in the daily life about how to feed on themselves and their children. even though some of them do know that education is an important part in their kids' lives, they had to let the child leave school and go to earn money to ease the burden of them. but now in recent years, thanks to the development of economy, we are getting more and more rich, thus, parents can spare much more concentration to kids' education. there is a well-known saying in the near decade 'education can change a person's fate', which can completely address the importance of education in people today. so there is no doubt that people are now easier to get educated than in the past.these recent 3 decades, China has developed into one of the greatest economic unity in the world, and because of this, our country spare great amount of money in the education and therefore, 9 years of compulsory education has set up and benefit millions of young people for more than 10 years. on the other hand, people are more likely to spend money on their children's education because of the high salary. furthermore, an increasing number of people noticed that the demand for employees with high-quality are the trend of the society, so they are more likely to spend money on education for young people. when i was a child, my parents often told me that i must be independence ans have my own thought, which will insure that i will not be controlled by any other people, therefore, i must get educated and do a good job. and because of this, i dare not say that i am successful, but i can confidently say now i know what i want and how to get it. what is more, thanks to the one-child policy, most families have only one child, and parents are willing to give the best they can do to the only child. me myself and my two cousins are both the only child in our own family, so from our childhood, we always get the whole concentration from the parents and get the better education than other children who have brothers or sisters.of course, if i have had the chance to go to the past, i would like to give it up since i prefer to get education in modern times. not to say the science and technology are much more better than the past, the equipments now can let me know more about the knowledge and library in my college can give me the chance to learn something that i cannot have in the class. that's impossible in the past. i heard from my grandparent, he told me that there was only one school in a county in the past, and each school has only a few teachers. how could it compare with the condition now? what is more, if i go to the past, probably i am not the only child of my parents, and due to the discrimination to the women, they might not let me to go the school. and if i could not get educated, how could i make my dream come true? so i must be a fool if i want to go to the past.these discussion i've mentioned above are not saying that there is nothing useful in the past, i am saying that the history is developing forward, and the society is progressing forward, what we must do is to look forward to the future and accept the change of our life today. so accept the fact that people are now easier to get educated than in the past. it's true.
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