TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:谨斯
【IBT机经-21】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should know the events happening around the world, even if it unlikely have some influence on your daily life.
1. 我们生活的是一个什么样的世界?这个时代的特点是什么?
回答: 我们生活在一个信息共享的社会。任何地方发生重大事情,其他地方的人足不出户也能知道,并且有可能对整个世界造成影响。
2. 请举例说明世界上正在发生的重大事件有哪些?
回答: the credit crisis;oil crisis
3. 这些重大事件有什么特点呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 这些重大事件的影响范围是全世界的。如金融危机,发端于美国,但每个国家都受到了影响,就业、贸易等均造成了危机。
4. 这些事件是否会直接影响到你的日常生活?如果是,为什么?如果不是,那么是否会间接影响到你的生活呢,为什么?
回答: 影响很小,生活观影响也很小。
5. 了解这些重大事件有什么意义呢?了解和不了解有什么分别么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 对于不同的人意义不同。如商人,尤其是做贸易的,就要关心国际大事;开车的要关心油价上涨。尤其对于商人而言,了解可以更好地投资和规避风险。
Living in an information explosion era, people might often find themselves exposed to numerous information.Some people only care about domestic news which are closer to daily lives.While in my opinion, it is important to know the events happening around the world although they are unlikely to affect them.The reasons are as follows.Event happening around the world may not affect life directly but they can influence you indirectly.High technology makes us connected with each other.International trade makes it possible that economic crisis at one region sill soon spread to the global economy. Knowing news around the world can help us make judgements for the future.Knowing about world events would offer more topics for us during communication, which is helpful in enlarging one`s social network. The most popular student in my class is a boy who has a wide range of knowledge, from politics to art. All the classmates like to talk with him as he knows a lot of news which can attract different kinds of people. On the contrary, if a person only focus on his own daily life, it might be boring to talk to him, and therefore it would not be as easy for him to make new friends.On the other hand, due to the large quantity of news, we may have to spend to much time on them.So I totally agree that it is important to know events happening around the world, though sometimes they are unlikely to affect your daily life.
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