TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:GDL-USTC
【IBT机经-10】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.
1. 请结合实际谈谈错误分哪几种?犯错对于人们成长的重要意义是什么?
回答: 可弥补的错误和不可弥补的错误,可以从中学到很多的经验,对以后的行为处事都有很大的帮助。
2. 请结合具体事例谈谈孩子们通过犯错可以吸取哪些教训?这些教训对于他们起到哪些作用?
回答: 比如说小孩如果考试作弊被老师抓了,被严重批评甚至取消成绩,这种教训会让小孩意识到诚信的重要性。
3. 在什么情况下,孩子们犯错是可以被接受的?在什么情况下,是不能被接受的,为什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 只要孩子的错误没有逾越道德和法制底线,这样的错误是可以接受的,做不能接受的就是小孩子有偷窃的毛病。现实生活中,大家都是对小偷有极强的烟雾感,如果小孩子有偷窃的习惯,一旦被抓住,那么留给这个小孩子一生的就只有那肮脏的洗不去的过往了。
4. 有没有哪些东西是可以不用犯错就能学到的?请举例说明。
回答: 可以,比如说要乐于助人,对他人要友好,这些品质可以通过学校方面或家长方面的教导学到。
5. 请结合具体事例简述家长应该如何在孩子们犯错和吸取教训的过程中正确发挥引导的作用?
回答: 家长在孩子放错和吸取教训的过程中,应该以教育为主,切记以体罚为主,这样会在孩子幼小的心灵里留下阴影,对小孩子今后的成长都有很坏的影响。
Nowadays,the increasing of crime rates makes everyone worried because of the frighten of violence in people's minds .It is researched that most criminals  didn't shape the right attitudes toward moral characters when they were young.In order to avoid such tragedies,it is necessary for parents to help children shape the right impression about the moral characters .Doubtlessly,learning from mistakes is absolutely the most effective ways because of the deep impressions they bring .Thus ,leading children to make mistakes properly will be a necessary job for parents.It is known to us that we will acquire a deeper impression when experiencing by ourselves than to receive from teachers or parents .For instance,when I was young ,I had been taught for plenty of times the importance of honesty,but I didn't pay enough attention to it until I was criticized because of cheating in a exam.after that ,I seriously know the meaning of the honesty ,and I used this experience to restrict myself in the latter life.Despite of the experience of myself ,there are still many phenomenons indicating the importance of learning from mistakes,such the minds of some people don't grow paced with the body .When facing this situation,it can not be denied that their parents should be responsible for it owing to their over caring in kids'childhood.,so that their children didn't attain enough moral lessons experienced by themselves during their childhood.And when they grow up ,they will face the same problems in the real society ,at that time ,they fail and lose themselves in the society.Perhaps,the case concerning with Li Tianyi is the best example for us.But for the mistake children learning from ,parents should pay much attention to it and avoid their children to make such mistakes beyond the acceptable base line of moralities and criminals .From the opposite angle ,there are still something that children can learn without making mistakes such as the importance of getting along well with others that can be taught from teachers or parents .All in all ,it is meaningful for children to make mistakes and learn from it when they are young because of the deep impressions about moralities they can get.
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