TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:GDL-USTC
【IBT机经-15】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.
1. 什么叫做好的消费方式?衡量一种消费方式好与坏的标准是什么?请结合实际简述。
回答: 好的消费方式就是理性地消费,消费在有价值的地方,不是一味的浪费钱财,挥霍钱财,衡量一种消费方式好与坏的标准可以是看消费的商品是否有足够的价值,例如,在去餐厅消费时,点太多的食品,只会造成浪费,这便是一种不合理的消费,能吃多少点多少,这便是合理的消费。
2. 你认为宠物消费是一种好的消费方式吗?如果是,为什么?如果不是,请说明理由。
回答: 我认为宠物消费是一种好的消费方式,因为很多时候宠物给主人们带来的乐趣远远超出了主人们为它们的付出。
3. 宠物消费都包含哪些内容?这些消费数量大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 宠物消费包括:为宠物买宠物食粮,添置衣物,带它们去医院看病,为宠物修剪毛发,美容等等。这些消费可以是非常贵的,比如现在的宠物食粮,宠物看病,宠物美容的价格都是非常昂贵的。
4. 一般来说,饲养宠物的人都具备哪些特点?宠物消费对他们来说负担会很大吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 一般来说,饲养宠物的人都比较有钱,而且身边有时候并没有很多亲人,大部分的生活显得比较孤独,还有就是生活比较清闲。宠物消费对他们来说一般来说负担不会很大,因为他们的生活条件都比较好。
5. 在饲养宠物的同时,他们是否会有其他方式来消费呢?请结合实际简述。
回答: 当然在饲养宠物的同时,他们也会有其他的消费方式,像生活中比较常见的旅游,购物等等。
The tendency to keep a pet seems to be very normal nowadays ,and hence the cost in pets gradually becomes a part of the people's consumption structure.With time going,such parts played in the consumption structure becomes grater.It indicates that people are more willing to spend money in pets ,even though there can be other good ways to spend money.My someone will criticize the consumption towards pets,but it can not be denied that pets bring humans a considerate amount of things.On the one hand,pets bring us plenty of happiness to our lives ,when we are alone ,or  there is no one near us to talk with,pets will accompany with us silently ,we can share the happiness or sadness with them and we don't have to worry about what will happen after the dialogue .Besides,we can also walk the dog or play with them together .The existence of pets makes our lives easier and more colorful.On the other hand ,as for the disabled people ,pets such as dogs will be very helpful to their lives ,sometimes,we can not imagine what the lives will be if seeing eye dogs disappear in the lives of blind people.If there  are no seeing eye dogs ,who will accompany with the blind to go across the road,or to carry something.from this angle,pets are vital to some people's lives ,and they are worth of the corresponding consumption.Nevertheless ,some people also regard pets as goods to compare with,they think pets can show the owners' social position .Although I don't think it is the right attitude towards pets .But we have to admit that this phenomenon is also one of the reasons that the owners want to spend money in them.Of course,there also existing some people prefer to spending their money in others ways ,for instance,shopping ,traveling and so on.All in all,more and more people are willing to spend money on pets because of the meanings that pets represent .
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