TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:GDL-USTC
【IBT机经-14】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends?
1. 在你看来,老朋友之间的感情是怎样的?这种感情是否会随着时间空间的变化而减弱吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 老朋友之间的感情是非常牢固可靠的,这种感情是不会随着时间空间的变化而衰弱的,就像我和我的高中同学,尽管高中毕业后就已经不在一个地方工作或学习了,但是我们之间的友谊却没有减弱,反而变得更加深厚。
2. 即使搬到一个新的地方,老朋友一定会丧失吗?有没有什么方式和他们依然保持联系?请结合具体事例简述。
回答: 即使搬到一个新的地方,老朋友也不一定会丧失,我们平时可以通过电脑的聊天工具,电话,手机,email,微博等等方式去他们联系。
3. 请结合具体事例简述,在一个新的地方,难免会认识到新的朋友,扩大你的交际圈,你觉得这是一件好事还是坏事?
回答: 我觉得这是一件好事,因为新的朋友会给我们的生活带来新的色彩,新的活力,交际圈广了,人的视野也会变得更加的广阔,这对我们的生活,工作,亦或是学习都有很大的好处。
4. 请结合实际简述,新的城市或国家会给你带来什么新的东西?
回答: 新的城市或新的国家会给我,我的生活带来新的感知,新的地域文化,新的民俗风情,新的处事方式等等。
5. 你觉得个人发展和友情,哪个对你来说更重要?请结合实际简述。
回答: 对于个人发展,和友情,我觉得个人发展更加重要,因为一个人不能永远都停留在远处,多出去闯闯,对自己的发展是有很大的好处的,但是我觉得个人的发展和友情并没有很大的冲突,因为真正地友情并不会受到时间,空间的限制。
The great progress made in the transportation make it easier to move to other cities or countries .But when facing of the situation of moving to other districts ,almost everyone will be hesitate because of the scenery here ,the memory ,and the old friends we have there.A considerate amount of people insist that the distance will bury the friend with time going by.But I think this idea is totally an error.First,the various communicating tools enable us to communicate with our friends without the limit of distance .For instance ,when we want to share some happiness with our old friends or want to find one to talk with if we are upset ,the mobile phone will the communication very convenient .Hearing the voice of friends ,it is evidently the friendship can not be easily buried by the distance.Second ,we can not ignore the strength of friendship because it represent the memory we  share concerning with the past time .Doubtlessly ,the factors of the changing of environments will have little influence on the friendship.Instead,it will only become stronger as time goes by.For example, there have been a longtime between the time we graduated from high school and now,but every time I met my classmates,I always have fun with classmates because we all trust the time will only strengthen  our friendship instead of weaken.Finally ,when we move to new cities or countries ,it can be avoid that we will face plenty of new things such as new views ,new customs and so on.Inadvertently ,it offer us lots of materials to share with our friends .Absolutely ,the process of sharing is wonderful because of the unlimited talking with our friends .However,sometimes ,when under the pressure of lives,work or study ,we will look down upon the old friends ,and gradually we lost the friendship once we had.All in all,I think the distance will not  affect the friendship between our old friends and us.
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