TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:staychild
【IBT机经-12】Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents today are more involved in their children's education than parents were in the past
1. 请结合具体事例简述,过去和现在相比,时代背景有哪些不同?
回答: 信息技术的进步,出现了网络学习的形式;中国家庭规模变小,独生子女的的家庭占主流;社会竞争越来越激烈,研究生找工作都已经十分困难;父母的受教育程度和素质都比过去的父母高,更加看重子女的教育问题
2. 在这些不同点中,哪些影响到了家庭教育方面,为什么? 请结合实际谈谈。
回答: 网络的学习模式在一定程度上使得孩子不再依赖父母学习,当有不会的问题时可以上网求助而不是问父母;独生子女的家庭结构使得父母会花更多的精力和财力在子女的教育方面;社会竞争的激烈,使得孩子们必须依赖父母为其创造的经济基础去求学,例如一般学生无法自己支付高昂的留学费用 ,父母会来支付这笔费用
3. 孩子教育都包括哪些方面?会不会有哪些方面过去比现在的家长做得更好呢?请结合实际谈谈。
回答: 品格的教育,独立性的教育;学校学习的教育;心理健康的教育
4. 参与到孩子教育中意味着要投入更多的时间、精力和金钱,考虑到这一点,现在的孩子家长真的能比过去的家长做的更好吗?请结合实际简述。
回答: 由于现在大多数家庭都只有一个孩子,而过去的家庭普遍都有5 6 个孩子,所以说家长们的可以专心在一个孩子身上,如果方式得当,会比过去的家庭做得好;但是也不排除过分溺爱或是过分约束带来的一系列问题
5. 考虑到不同地区的社会经济发展水平或同一地区不同社会阶层等情况,该观点还成立吗?是否有局限性呢,为什么?
回答: 有局限性,因为上述观点是建立在家庭条件较好的情况的基础上,农村地区或是偏远地区,家长受教育程度不高,家庭经济状况不好,父母在孩子身上投入的精力和过去式没什么分别的
   Nowadays,the progress of society economy leads to a significant improvement of modern families' conditions.Children's education has become a increasingly concern topic among parents.Meanwhile,childern also need parents' help to adapt society's development,which is much more complex than before.I think that parents are playing a more important role in children's education than ever before.   First of all,the family's conditions have changed a lot .Families usually had five or six kids in the past,but the majority of families today only have one child.Parents could save more energy and pay more attention on one kid's education.My father had 3 brothers and 2 sisters.It's not easy for my grandparents to ensure the family don't starve,so my grandfather barely concern about my father's study.But my parents have been in constant touch with my teachers since primary school.They know almost every exam's grade and concern about my behavior at school.I think the concern of my education would remain until graduated school.  Moreover,the education background of parents is different from before.Parents todays who obtain a better education know the importance of getting a high-quality education in one person's life.So they are willing to prvide their kids with a high-level education.My grandparents think that it's unnecessary to go to college even the tuition is almost free.But my parents consider that studying abroad is extremely helpful to one person's education and would pay my high tuition of graduated school.
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