GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:智慧树
The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.]
本题讨论历史研究的意义,题目认为其主要意义在于说明各个历史时期人们的生活是相同的。与本题很类似的老GRE题目ISSUE226--People are mistaken when they assume that the problems they confront are more complex and challenging than the problems faced by their predecessors. This illusion is eventually dispelled with increased knowledge and experience.对于本题,你可以从:是否存在错误观念、导致错误观念的原因、研究历史对其作用、表面生活形式之下的深层问题、对不同领域环境和环境下的问题的不同情况等方面展开分析。需要注意两点: 1、在讨论历史研究意义的过程中,不能无视题目限定的范围(各个历史时期人们的异同)而岔开话题自说自话——去列举其他研究历史的好处并且不和此范围做相关类比或对比; 2、在对比不同历史时期人们的生活的时候要有具体内容,言之有物而不是喊口号说空话。
1. 请举例描述现在人们日常生活、学习、工作中的三种情况,并和十年前、一百年前、一千年前的人们遇到过的情况进行对比。
回答: 现在的人们生活、学习和工作都离不开互联网,很多在线教育产品都被大众广泛接受。生活中,交通带给我们很大便利,各种交通工具的速度越来越快,越来越方便。 十年前,虽然我们有互联网,但是在生活、工作和学习中没起到如此重要的作用,比如说那时候在线教育的典范cousera还没有创办,人们觉得在线教育是一件难以想象的事情,人们对于互联网的开发和应用仍然处于探索阶段。 一百年前,汽车刚刚发明二十几年,人类的主要交通工具还是马车和自行车。那时候连计算机都没有。 一千年前,人类文明刚刚起步,完整的教育体系和科学体系都没有形成。
2. 你是否认为生活在现在这个历史时期的人和其他任何历史其的人相比都有很大不同?如果是,那么差别在那些方面?如果不是,那么现在的人们和以前各个历史时期的人们有什么相似之处?请举例并简述。
回答: 有不同: 1人们的整体知识水平不同,现代人的知识水平远远高于古代人的 2人们的生活方式不同,生活中充斥着衣食住行。对于古代的人来说穿衣、饮食、居住和出行只是为了满足每天最基本的生活需要。比如说古代衣服的作用只是用来遮羞和取暖,人们吃饭只是为了不被饿死(因为粮食很少)……。但随着人类文明的不断进步穿衣慢慢发展成一个行业——时尚界,吃饭发展成美食行业,而住房有房地产行业,汽车火车飞机都有专门的工厂。就拿中国的一个纪录片《舌尖上的中国》来说,它不仅在国际纪录片大赛中获得大奖,在中国,这部纪录片的收视率在纪录片中排名第一。这么高的收视率表明,吃饭对于中国人来说已经不只是充饥,而代表对食物的色香味的更高要求。就像为什么米其林星级餐厅这么受世界各地人们的喜爱。人们已经将吃饭当成了一种享受生活的方式,而不是满足生理需求。
3. 造成人们认为自己和其他历史时期的人有很大差异的原因是什么? (可从内因、外因两方面考虑)
回答: 内因:受教育程度不同 外因:历史环境不同、自然环境也不同
4. 历史研究可以带给人们哪些信息或方法?是否有了这些信息和方法就可以消除这种错误观念?
回答: 在历史研究过程中,我们可以不断反思当代人遇到的事情与古代历史故事有哪些异同,从历史中提炼处事哲学,可以借鉴成为现代事情的解决方法。比如在中国的军事大学,有一项基础课程就是学习《孙子兵法》,因为即使在现代战争中有更先进的武器,但是战略战术仍然是需要人来周密布置的。就像各个国家的中小学生为什么学习本国历史,不仅是丰富文化知识,也是从中学到哲学道理。
No matter in the past or nowadays, people never stop to study history. Actually, rather than fulfilling the curiosity of history stories about human being, history research also makes a pivotal role in other scientific research, especially in the aspects of human origins on biology research and in terrain changes on geology research. However, there is some other people claims that the goal of history research is to detect the significant differences between people living now and people lived in early times, which opinion is wrong. But in my point of view, basing on two reasons, it do has significant differences between people in different eras.
On one hand, because people in different times have different level on education, it makes differences on communicating with others and dealing with other things. If someone significantly differs with others, it can be judged from his or her manners. And manners can be affect by two reasons which are characteristics and educated level. Almost a thousand years ago, the Roman empire's era, it was the start of human civilization. Even it had no complete educational system or scientific system, education was the identification of social statue that only aristocrats and members of royal family can be received. Comparing to modern society, not only has rounded education and science, but also has variety of measures to learn knowledge. For example, the "Coursera", which was founded in 2012, is delivering free courses online. Within 2 years of founding, this project has attracted 1million and 300 thousand of students to register on it for 124 courses of different subjects. The fascinating effect of Coursera allures billions of people focus on this new way of online courses. Therefore, as a Chinese online course plan, the Netease open class does, more and more online education will be opened in every corner of the world. This will be another revolution of education to achieve a higher wave of learning knowledge on human being's history.
On the other hand, difference of lifestyles of people display different attitude of life among people in different times. Obviously, history is constitute by many history stories and history events, which subject is always human being. Whereupon, when you read the history about some specific times, the lifestyles and attitudes of people in that age can be reflected by history. In the 1940s, that is the year when my grandfather is a little child, he always tells me that most Chinese at that time are suffering by starvation because of the Anti-Japanese War and Civil War. the meaning of food for most Chinese people in 1940s was just the basic energy for daily life. But now, using the most famous documentary about the history of Chinese food- "The bite of China" as an example, received a international documentary award as well as the praise from Chinese audiences. From this issue, we know that nowadays in China, an increasing numbers of Chinese focus on the taste, culture, history or even the aesthetic of food rather than satisfying the hunger. Now people see "the food" as a way of enjoying life. That's why people now wants to travel for delicious food. And why Michelin Star Restaurants are so pursued by people from all over the world.
Whereas, it must be admit that some eternal truly wisdoms can be refined from history in order to use them properly in new events. Like "the Art of War by Sun Zi" which is a Chinese military strategy book full of wars and military history, is the teaching material in every military university in China. Despite how well development of high-tech weapons, military strategy is still planed by human being using wisdoms. So "the Art of War by Sun Zi" is also the treasure of military wisdoms for modern army.
As a result, though true wisdoms can be acquired from history to use in modern life, with the development of human history, because of the difference on educational background and different lifestyle, people show us new manners and attitudes about everything when they compare to other time's people, no matter nearly one hundred years ago or one thousand years ago.
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