GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:cindy9027
If a goal is worthy, then any means taken to attain it is justifiable.
1. 判断一个目标是否值得都应当从哪些方面考虑?请举例并简述。
回答: 经济效益,社会效益,环境效益,
2. 请结合某一具体情况和目标(比如:在学校考试得高分、在运动场上获得金牌等),尽可能全面的列举可以采用的各种方式。这些方式哪些是正规合理的,哪些不是?
回答: 考试高分:正当:认真学习,上补习班。。。。。不正当:作弊 运动员金牌:正当:积极训练 不正当:兴奋剂
3. 使用不合理方式取得成功的同时会有哪些潜在危害或损失?请举例并简述。(可以从对自己、对他人、直接影响、间接影响、短期影响、长远影响等角度考虑)
回答: 道德冲突,良心谴责,继续沦丧 影响他人的积极性,影响社会公平,公平竞争
4. 请列举因为尝试采用不正当方式去达到自己的目标造成对本人、团队、家庭、社会、国家造成负面影响的事例。
回答: 用不正当手段达成的目的,不是正当的目的 企业为实现盈利最大的化的目标,不以牺牲环境为代价,造成恶劣的社会影响
As one of the famous philosophers ever says, "through dishonest means to achieve a purpose ,not a legitimate purpose.", and this concept is appreciated by an increasing number of people in recent . Taking any means ,whether it is dishonest or not, to attain  a so-called "worthy goal"  never become the ultimate pursuit for development of society, consequently, an all-sided consideration is needed when encounters the issue of achieving a goal.
Admittedly ,when a goal is considered to be valuable and meaningful, there is no denying that we should try our best to make sustained efforts .As we all know ,many process of society are  based on the achieving of worthy goal one after another, especially in the realm of scientific discoveries ;Hence, it is really necessary to take every possible means to attain the pursuit ,in some cases. In order to make the contribution to the whole society ,Some scientists choose to devoted themselves under the risk of losing their lives. Consider Benjamin Franklin as a example. As a outstanding scientists, he did a famous experiment by flying kites in the heavy lightening night  to collect the energy of lightening ,despite of his own safety. Although his experiment is regarded to be whimsicality even silly to ordinary ,Benjamin Franklin did it because of his strong desire to pursuit the truth, and  finally his successful research exerts an indelible influence in the history of scientific development.
in fact , the definition of worthy is different according to diverse value ,backgrounds and circumstances. If everyone is judging the valuable of goal that based on their own interests, it will leads to a social turbulence And If a goal seems to be beneficial at the present society, it may be found out to have a detrimental effect in the future .Hence, whether a goal is worthy or not is determined by the active effect and benefits of the majority citizens as well as enduring the test through time.
However ,Even if the goal is  indeed worthy ,it is still improper to use every possible means ,even dishonest and immoral ,to achieve the goal. The result of using improper approaches  to realize the worthy goal has a debasing effect on both the individuals and the enterprises .For the individual perspective, using immoral means to achieve a contribution will leave yourselves  in a strong moral conflicts situation . Moreover, when the things be revealed, what you are suffering is no longer the inner conflicts, but the lasting denouncement  from your friends ,family and public opinions .Just like some famous athlete choose to cross the boundaries by using stimulant , as a short cut to the gold medal, instead of hard training. Unfortunately ,although their original purpose is not bad ,what they have done have already ruined their reputation  and stained the image of their country only due to this dishonest means.
In the realm of business, using improper approaches will also exerts a detrimental effect not only in the present but also in a long turn, on the way to achieve goals. In this market-oriented era, the genuine purpose of  most enterprises is earning the maximize profits at the lowest cost in the present. Consequently ,many enterprises are spare no effort use every possible means for pursuing the immediate benefits ,which may damages the company in long round. For instance, Driven by profits, some of companies discharge the waste directly into the river in order to cut down the cost of sewage treatment. Although this approach ensures the income of company in some extent, it dampens the social responsibility and social credibility of the enterprise .In a conclusion, Not all means ,especially dishonest and immoral ,is considerable to be used to reach worthy goal.
From the reasons presented above, I concede that sparing no effort to attain the valuable goal is appreciated in some respects. Nevertheless, the means of pursuing a  worthy goal is needed to be treat in a more rational way .More precisely, means which violating the principle of moral and legislation is not recommended and it is imperative for us to find alternative means to achieving a worthy goal, which leaving a lasting value for our society.
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