TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:史慧亮
If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
1. 你的家乡在哪儿?你不喜欢家乡的哪些方面?为什么?
回答: 我的家乡在江南。不喜欢家乡的环境,因为随处可见垃圾,环境污染严重
2. 家乡存在这个问题的原因是什么?
回答: 生活垃圾处理方式不当,造成随处可见生活垃圾。工厂的废水废物排放不达标,造成了工业污染
3. 应该怎么改进这个方面,具体的措施是什么?
回答: 设立相对分散的垃圾收集点,及时将收集点的垃圾以封闭的方式转移到集中处理站,避免风,雨使垃圾从收集点扩散出来。环保部门发布命令,要求工厂添置相应的废水废物的处理设施,使排放的废水,废物达到标准,对环境不产生坏的影响。宣传环保理念,小知识,让每个人都为环保行动起来,这样整个环境就会得到改善,家乡会更加美丽,宜人!
My hometown lies in the Northeast of China, a small town with developed transportation. And also, I love my hometown. But the environment of my hometown is becoming increasingly bad. So if I have a choice to change one important thing of my hometown, I will choose the environment.
There are a number of reasons for my choice, changing the environment of my hometown. First, the pollution in my hometown has resulted in some healthy problem. For example, the garbage can be seen everywhere and the waste water just is poured into rivers directly without being disposed. These garbage and waste water has polluted the resource of water which is being used for local people's life. As a result, there are more and more cancer patients in my hometown, and according the doctors, the polluted water is the direct reason for these. So, I want to improve the environment to make those people living in my hometown healthier.
Second, making environment better can increase the number of tourists to my hometown, then elevate the local people's income. Before the environment was polluted, there were some beautiful scenic spots in my hometown. Many people will choose to go to my hometown for relaxing. However, since the environment is becoming more and more bad, the number of tourists is decreasing year by year. According a recent survey, most of the tourists thinks the environment problem is the reason why they don't come to my hometown for relaxing. So it is reasonable that this tendency will reverse if I can make my hometown environment better. More and more people will come to my hometown, more and more hotels, restaurants and stores will be needed. This will be a good opportunity for local people to increase their income.
Finally, the improvement of environment can also greatly increase the revenue in other aspects, not only through increasing local people's income. For example, if the environment is improved, the beautiful scene and the existing developed transportation will attract several companies to build their new factories in my hometown. This will increase the local employment rates and these factories will contribute more revenue to local government. So the government can have enough money to improve many other aspects in my hometown.
Considering all the factors above, I will choose to improve the environment in my hometown if I can change, although there are many other important aspects to be changed, such as school conditions.
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