TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:张晓捷
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你经常使用电子计算机吗?它在你的生活中起着怎样的作用?
回答: 我经常使用电脑,我用它除了可以进行一些娱乐活动来放松自己比如口口,音乐等,还可以和同学朋友聊天来增进感情。电脑还有海量信息,这也是我们了解国家和世界的一个窗口。更重要的是,作为大四的我上网来报名一些考试和了解不同学校的动态对我升学和考试都很有帮助。
2. 生活中有哪些方面在计算机的帮助下方便多了?
回答: 比如网上购物方便有便宜,定各种票,包括演唱会等等的票,足不出户只需要点击鼠标就能搞定。还有就是许多运营商电脑借助网络开发了很多项目来帮助我们,例如运用网络多媒体实现远程教学,省去了来回坐车去听课的麻烦,也排除了上课被人打扰的尴尬。
3. 而有了计算机以后,人们的生活又会增添什么麻烦?
回答: 有了计算机以后对于那些意志力薄弱的人来说确实是有一些弊端,因为信息多元化,网络中诱惑多,很多人上完玩游戏,上一些不健康的网站,从而腐蚀了思想,耽误了时间。有时候信息爆炸,在海量的信息中我们无从选择,仿佛掉入信息的了深渊。还有在网上购物过程中,会有上当受骗的情况导致耽误了许多时间。 同时长时间上网会导致RSI,它是一种由于长期重复一种动作而导致的手指或手腕的疼痛。常常在经常使用电脑哦的人群中比较多见。
4. 如果没有计算机的出现,人们的生活会有什么改变?
回答: 如果没有计算机,人们可能无法实现信息共享,每天抱着重重的资料跑来跑去。没有计算机我们就不能利用各种学习和生活类软件来帮助我们更方便的进行编辑和后期处理等工作。对于科学家来说,更是灾难,处理海量的数据等待人工来一点点处理,我们的社会会因此发展缓慢。
5. 类似计算机这种高科技产品的发展,它们给人们带去了什么影响?
回答: 例如ipad 有了它可以随时上网,随时下载应用软件。有了它就好像吧全世界带在了身边。电子书方便阅读,数字电视可以随意快进后退任意你错过的节目。MP4可以把音乐带在身边随时放松,也可以随时学英语。电脑视频让出门在外的我们见到了远在家乡的家人和朋友的面容。
Nowadays, our commonplace life are a leap into the E-world age, Ipad and portable computer can take place anywhere, whether bus station or subway, we can found  various E-productions. They are played an indispensable role in our life. And they also make our life more convenient and easier.
  Firstly, computers save the massive time for us. For example, when we have no time to go to the ticket station in business, more and more people choose the way that used the computer subscribe the train tickets and musical concert tickets. We also shopping online, such as buying books and clothes, on the line, the price of the tickets and other things are always discount. And we are satisfied its high speed way and graceful attitude. Secondly, computer let us study easier and interesting. In the computer market, many orders could be downloaded for free and provided different courses. Computer involve the calculator that  help us process the huge number of data  and store function that store the massive information as well as paining and learning the different courses through long-range.
  Admittedly, computer will have the negative effect on us. For one thing, for the most people that they must sit by the computer desk deal with their work day and night, and constantly repeat the one movement, as a result, fingertip and bow will pain, especially in the morning when they get up, and their eyes will injury. For another thing, some students are immersed in the computer games, leading their school work delay and sleeping on the class. In the conclusion, computer leaded us into a new world. If we used the computer in the suitable cases, and choose the right time to play, also assure the sleeping time. Computer will have life more useful and interesting.
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