GRE 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:KevinLee
Governments should offer a free university education to any student who has been admitted to a university but who cannot afford the tuition. [Specific Task Instruction: Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.]
本题和老GRE的ISSUE53"College and university education should be free for all students, fully financed by the government"有相似之处。题目的大范围是关于教育的,具体的说是讨论教育资金应该由个人承担还是政府承担,分析的重点应该是政府和高等教育的关系,学生个体和高等教育的关系,以及资金及其来源于高等教育的关系。
1. 了解一下目前世界上一些国家的教育制度和体系,描述其中某一个或几个国家政府对高等教育的管理和资金支持情况。
回答: 美国教育制度:美国教育体系早在其建国时就初具规模,经过200多年的发展和逐步完美,形成了今天的初等教育、中等教育和高等教育三级体制 现代美国学校教育的资金来源主要有两种:一是政府拨款,它是美国学校教育所需资金的主要的和基本的来源;二是学校根据国家有关规定自行等集部分资金。 日本: 没有独立征收教育税的传统,教育财政从属于一般财政制度,教育经费只是从一般财政中划拨,没有独立的教育财政制度。教育行政部门只是对财政所分配的教育经费进行管理。中央政府的教育支出主要用于国立学校的设置与管理所需要的费用,给都道府县、市町村以及学校法人的教育经费补贴、奖学金和教育贷款等费用。地方政府的教育支出主要用于地方上的公立大中小学、幼儿园和公共教育设施的设置,管理所需要的费用以及对地方各公立学校教职员工的工资津贴等进行补助。
2. 大学里的学生一般都要支付哪些费用?他们的经济状况和经济来源如何?政府对学生有什么补贴?
回答: 大学里的花费:日常生活开销(吃饭,超市和商场开销),每个月的电话费和宽带费、书费。 大多数学生靠父母供应生活费,少数学生打工来挣去生活费 政府补贴主要体现在奖学金、助学金
3. 政府资助大学的目的是什么?这些目的是否可以通过其他途径得到?
回答: 政府资助大学可以让大学有充足资金开展科研项目、招募有实力科研人才、扩大校园基础设施建设、奖励学生等等 也可以从校友捐赠,科研项目创造的利益中获得,但不够
4. 了解并计算一下,大学的运营费用是怎样的,如果支持一个有一万名在校生的大学,政府需要投入多少资金?
回答: 国家对大学的投入增加最快,2002年国家投入733亿元,比1997年增加485亿元,每年增加97亿元,年递增24.2%。但与个人投入相比还是小巫见大巫,1999年随着并轨令的下达,公费上大学划上句号,学杂费陡涨65.2%。此后,随着收费标准的不断提高以及学生数量的快速增加,个人投入继续猛增,2000年个人投入增143亿元,2001年再增260亿元,2002年更增366亿元。5年间个人投入每两年翻一倍,5年增加5倍,年递增速度高达41.1%。国家和个人两大主力的巨大投入促成了大学投入总量每年30.6%的高增幅,升速居所有学级之首。 然而,绝对量的高速增长掩盖着一个相反的事实:由于学生数量的增速快于国家和社会投入的增速,因此生均国家投入和社会投入已经连续几年悄然削减。1999年生均国家投入登上9743元的最高峰,随后3年便逐次减为9324元、8268元、7622元,平均每年削减7.9%。社会投入趋势亦然,平均减幅为9.6%。而个人投入却一如既往上涨,每年的生均值都要增加1000元以上,2002年生均为11272元,比国家投入高47.9%。这一趋势表明,今后上大学能够享受的国家投入和社会投入将越来越少,留下的缺额和保持总费用增加的增量都将主要由个人来承担。而逐步减少非义务教育的国家投入、增加个人投入正是国家政策应有的方向和所要达到的目标。
5. 政府付费之后(经济问题被解决之后)可能出现哪些正面或负面结果?
回答: 正面: 让付不起学费的学生可以接受高等教育,大大减轻学生家庭负担,培养更多家境不好但成绩优秀的人才 负面:让一些学生认为政府出钱是应该的,并不会珍惜学习的机会,反而在大学浪费大量时间学不到本事

The speaker asserts that the student who has been admitted to a university but who has no ability to afford the tuition, should get a free from governments. In my point of view, I am in favor of this policy, which can be substantiated by the following discussions.
The first argument that can be presented to develop my position is that governments have obligation to provide education to every children. A good example may be found in the case that George Bush, preceding president of United State, had said :" The Federal role in education is to serve the children and make sure Federal dollars are well spent. To do this effectively, No Child Left Behind(NCLB) ensures that states receiving Federal funds set high standards and hold schools accountable for results, governments must encourage and reward success for children." In America, universities and state governments offer much financial aid for students, paying their education expenses, including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, etc. However, the finical aid offered by Chinese universities is limited, few poor students can apply it. For this matter, many starving students can not afford the fees. It is necessary for our governments to investigate much money on education instead of spend much money on some unnecessary projects, such as constructing new building or officers' consumption on luxury, providing fees for students who can not afford it is governments' obligation.
In addition, there is another reason for me to choose this statement. The reason is that investigate on education is much worthier than many other fields. To illustrate, let us consider that a poor student spend ten years to get the acceptance of famous university, if she is refused by university just because have no ability to afford fees, resulting in her life become unpromising. However, if her free can be paid by governments, she will create much worth to society than such free. Beyond this policy, Many poor students like her can make their dream come true, contributing to our society greatly. In this view, providing free for poor students is a win-win way.
Admittedly, it may be true that some poor students take the free from governments for granted, enjoying the comfortable life instead of working hard on study, westing time and money in university. Actually, governments can make a rule that after these students find a good job should pay back these money to governments. The rule can encourage students work harder than before because they can not employed by any company if they do not have ability.
In summary, due to the aforementioned reasons, we may safely come to the conclusion that students who has been admitted to a university but can not afford it should get the free offered by governments, helping them to finish their education in university.  


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