IELTS 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:yanju
Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people, while others think the purpose of museums should be to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.
1. 你去过哪些博物馆?
回答: 我去过上海、南宁、厦门的博物馆,展览钱币,绘画,衣服,文化,民俗
2. 这些博物馆有什么特点?给你的感觉是什么?
回答: 结构比较单一,比较古板
3. 如果博物馆变得更时尚更具有娱乐性,这有什么好处和弊端?
回答: 1 更吸引年轻人的眼球,吸引他们来了解历史和文化,更容易为人们所熟知因为具有娱乐性 2 一些保守人士可能会不赞同 老人和中年人会觉得怪异
4. 你认为博物馆应该具备怎样的功能?
回答: 1 教育功能 最重要的功能 为人提供受教育的机会 2 展示功能 为各种机构和个人展示作品的途径 3 娱乐功能
Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain young people, while others think the purpose of museums should be to educate, not entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.   Museum is defined as a place to exhibit artworks or antiques or special items(coins, clothes, etc.) to public. Some people complaint that museums are too boring to youngsters and suggest some improvements for attracting young people whereas others believe that education is the only purpose of museums rather than entertainment.   In China, most museums tend to look serious and educational. The pictures and stories on the exhibitions are always formal and specifical and they are suitable for specialists to understand.   Let us assume that museums with more entertaining. Young pepole may be the most benefical ones. In my opion, youngsters who love these fancy and cool items will be attracted by museums, then they learn things--history, culture and so on.   There are some drawbacks from entertaining museums. Firstly, it is hard to make sure the academical and educational value of the exibitions if they are too entertaining. Furthermore, elderly people and middle ages may feel weird to visit this kind of museums. They nomally have  a totally different pereference of visiting habits. The try of being welcomed to young people may lose the majority of non-youngsters.   In summary, considering the above facters, before building a museum, the government should consider both sides of age groups and balance the relationship between them.
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