TOEFL 作文题目 来源于朗播用户:chenyu
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
1. 你觉得哪些属于要做重大决定的场合?
回答: 重大决定的场合并不多,我认为是在个人不知道选择后的结果的时候的选择都可以成为重大的决定。人生道路就是其中一种。
2. 你通常是独自决定还是跟别人商讨后再做决定?为什么?
回答: 我通常是自己考虑做决定,虽然我有时候或者自己决定之前也会和家人朋友商量。但是最终的决定一直是自己做的。原因非常简单,自己做的决定不后悔,自己的选择自己承担责任。例如我的专业选择,选择了化学而并没有选择我擅长的数学。虽然商量过,但是我自己相信自己的选择。
3. 你认为什么时候适合独自做决定?独自作出重大决定的利弊是什么?
回答: 我认为尤其关于自己的事业和人生的时候自己独立的决定更加重要。自己独自做出决定的好处是自己不会后悔,因为自己慎重考虑过,就会自己努力实现,自己负责。而且这样可以自己认识自己,了解自己,做出更加理智的决定。坏处却是不能听取不同方面的意见,有可能因为信息量不足而做出不是特别明智的选择
4. 什么时候适合请教他人帮忙做重大决定?利弊是什么?
回答: 当他人有相关方面的经验的时候 有利:可以有效得避免掉一些错误 有害:有可能被经验主义误导
When it comes to making decision alone or under the help of someone, I am inclined to make decision by myself after listening to some advice which comes from my parents or someone else. For one thing, certain people that have experienced the same thing can give me comparative reasonable suggestion which can lead us to a health way. For another, decision-making by myself is very important in that only I have the privilege to responsible for myself and know deeply about myself.One remarkable crucial contribution of making decision on behalf of me is that making decision by myself is the best option for me. First, everyone is the best person that have a deep understanding about himself, to some degree, choice-making is more stisfactory. Thus, we can responsible for ourself. For example, my friend, Victor, often makes decision alone. When he chose which university that he wanted to go, and which field he was most insterested in etc.. After deliberately analysis of his insterest and habitat, he gave an important option. Two years later, he finds that his choice is great reasonable and he studies with great passion. Certainly, if necessary, when we make a decision which would determine our life in the future, we should consider some helpful advice from those experienced people, like our parents. But the most important thing is that the decision-making is up to us not others. For example, after graduating from university, the career is more imperative in our life and could produce striking influence on our future lives.  Like those tough question, the most important chioce is to ask my parents' device or old people's decision, thus, we can make a more reasonable chioce. Maybe in the future, we can enjoy a very handsome income.However, making decision alone sometimes brings a handful of minor disadvantages. If we are too young to make decison, at this time, we can ask my parents to make decision for us rather than make decision by myself. we do not have enough experience to make it and at some certain times, we could make many fatal fault to us. Thus, the harms also put us at the risk of damaging our body or losing a great deal of money. Even such those extraordinary drawbacks will exert negative effect on our families. In sum, from all the reasons explained above, we can safely come to the conclusion that making decision alone is important for ourself. Benefits of decision-making by ourself ournumber the disadvantages of entirely depending on our parents for advices. Thus, we should make dicision by ourself. 
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